Oklahoma Medical Alert Systems, Alarms, Devices and Equipment
Don’t Have a Phone Line/Home Landline? Click Here for Options.
Linear PERS
Our most basic medical alert system; includes both a bracelet and necklace attachment.
Linear PERS Product Page
NextAlert II
A mobile medical alert; speak directly to an operator through the wearable device.
NextAlert Product Page

Speak directly through both the bracelet and necklace 24/7 to an EMT certified operator.
LifeSentry Product Page
Oklahoma Medical Alert and Medical Alarm by Prime
Prime Medical Alert covers the entire state of Oklahoma. From Oklahoma City and Tulsa, to Norman, Broken Arrow and Lawton, we cover those city and every other city in Oklahoma. In order to prevent falls, the CDC recommends getting exercise. Lack of exercise can lead to weak legs, which increases the chance of falling. Exercise programs like Tai Chi can increase strength as well as improve balance, making falls less likely for aging adults. If you are interested in a medical alarm, feel free to give on of our friendly representatives a call. We are available at all hours.
Achille, OK | Konawa, OK |
Ada, OK | Krebs, OK |
Adair, OK | Kremlin, OK |
Adams, OK | Lahoma, OK |
Addington, OK | Lamar, OK |
Afton, OK | Lamont, OK |
Agra, OK | Lane, OK |
Albany, OK | Langley, OK |
Albert, OK | Langston, OK |
Albion, OK | Laverne, OK |
Alderson, OK | Lawton, OK |
Alex, OK | Lebanon, OK |
Aline, OK | Leedey, OK |
Allen, OK | Leflore, OK |
Altus, OK | Lehigh, OK |
Altus AFB, OK | Lenapah, OK |
Alva, OK | Leon, OK |
Amber, OK | Leonard, OK |
Ames, OK | Lequire, OK |
Amorita, OK | Lexington, OK |
Anadarko, OK | Lindsay, OK |
Antlers, OK | Loco, OK |
Apache, OK | Locust Grove, OK |
Arapaho, OK | Lone Grove, OK |
Arcadia, OK | Lone Wolf, OK |
Ardmore, OK | Longdale, OK |
Arkoma, OK | Lookeba, OK |
Arnett, OK | Loveland, OK |
Asher, OK | Loyal, OK |
Atoka, OK | Lucien, OK |
Atwood, OK | Luther, OK |
Avant, OK | Macomb, OK |
Balko, OK | Madill, OK |
Barnsdall, OK | Manchester, OK |
Bartlesville, OK | Mangum, OK |
Battiest, OK | Manitou, OK |
Beaver, OK | Mannford, OK |
Beggs, OK | Mannsville, OK |
Bennington, OK | Maramec, OK |
Bessie, OK | Marble City, OK |
Bethany, OK | Marietta, OK |
Bethel, OK | Marland, OK |
Big Cabin, OK | Marlow, OK |
Billings, OK | Marshall, OK |
Binger, OK | Martha, OK |
Bison, OK | Maud, OK |
Bixby, OK | May, OK |
Blackwell, OK | Maysville, OK |
Blair, OK | McAlester, OK |
Blanchard, OK | McCurtain, OK |
Blanco, OK | McLoud, OK |
Blocker, OK | Mead, OK |
Bluejacket, OK | Medford, OK |
Boise City, OK | Medicine Park, OK |
Bokchito, OK | Meeker, OK |
Bokoshe, OK | Meers, OK |
Boley, OK | Meno, OK |
Boswell, OK | Meridian, OK |
Bowlegs, OK | Miami, OK |
Bowring, OK | Milburn, OK |
Boynton, OK | Milfay, OK |
Bradley, OK | Mill Creek, OK |
Braggs, OK | Millerton, OK |
Braman, OK | Minco, OK |
Bray, OK | Moffett, OK |
Bristow, OK | Monroe, OK |
Broken Arrow, OK | Moodys, OK |
Broken Bow, OK | Mooreland, OK |
Bromide, OK | Morris, OK |
Buffalo, OK | Morrison, OK |
Bunch, OK | Mounds, OK |
Burbank, OK | Mountain Park, OK |
Burlington, OK | Mountain View, OK |
Burneyville, OK | Moyers, OK |
Burns Flat, OK | Muldrow, OK |
Butler, OK | Mulhall, OK |
Byars, OK | Muse, OK |
Cache, OK | Muskogee, OK |
Caddo, OK | Mustang, OK |
Calera, OK | Mutual, OK |
Calumet, OK | Nardin, OK |
Calvin, OK | Nash, OK |
Camargo, OK | Nashoba, OK |
Cameron, OK | Newalla, OK |
Canadian, OK | Newcastle, OK |
Caney, OK | Newkirk, OK |
Canton, OK | Nicoma Park, OK |
Canute, OK | Ninnekah, OK |
Cardin, OK | Noble, OK |
Carmen, OK | Norman, OK |
Carnegie, OK | North Miami, OK |
Carney, OK | Nowata, OK |
Carrier, OK | Oakhurst, OK |
Carter, OK | Oaks, OK |
Cartwright, OK | Oakwood, OK |
Cashion, OK | Ochelata, OK |
Castle, OK | Oilton, OK |
Catoosa, OK | Okarche, OK |
Cement, OK | Okay, OK |
Centrahoma, OK | Okeene, OK |
Chandler, OK | Okemah, OK |
Chattanooga, OK | Oklahoma City, OK |
Checotah, OK | Okmulgee, OK |
Chelsea, OK | Oktaha, OK |
Cherokee, OK | Olustee, OK |
Chester, OK | Omega, OK |
Cheyenne, OK | Oologah, OK |
Chickasha, OK | Orlando, OK |
Choctaw, OK | Osage, OK |
Chouteau, OK | Oscar, OK |
Claremore, OK | Overbrook, OK |
Clarita, OK | Owasso, OK |
Clayton, OK | Paden, OK |
Cleo Springs, OK | Panama, OK |
Cleveland, OK | Panola, OK |
Clinton, OK | Paoli, OK |
Coalgate, OK | Park Hill, OK |
Colbert, OK | Pauls Valley, OK |
Colcord, OK | Pawhuska, OK |
Coleman, OK | Pawnee, OK |
Collinsville, OK | Peggs, OK |
Colony, OK | Perkins, OK |
Comanche, OK | Pernell, OK |
Commerce, OK | Perry, OK |
Concho, OK | Picher, OK |
Connerville, OK | Pickens, OK |
Cookson, OK | Piedmont, OK |
Copan, OK | Pittsburg, OK |
Cordell, OK | Platter, OK |
Corn, OK | Pocasset, OK |
Council Hill, OK | Pocola, OK |
Countyline, OK | Ponca City, OK |
Covington, OK | Pond Creek, OK |
Coweta, OK | Porter, OK |
Coyle, OK | Porum, OK |
Crawford, OK | Poteau, OK |
Crescent, OK | Prague, OK |
Cromwell, OK | Preston, OK |
Crowder, OK | Proctor, OK |
Cushing, OK | Prue, OK |
Custer City, OK | Pryor, OK |
Cyril, OK | Purcell, OK |
Dacoma, OK | Putnam, OK |
Daisy, OK | Quapaw, OK |
Davenport, OK | Quinton, OK |
Davidson, OK | Ralston, OK |
Davis, OK | Ramona, OK |
Deer Creek, OK | Randlett, OK |
Delaware, OK | Ratliff City, OK |
Depew, OK | Rattan, OK |
Devol, OK | Ravia, OK |
Dewar, OK | Red Oak, OK |
Dewey, OK | Red Rock, OK |
Dibble, OK | Redbird, OK |
Dill City, OK | Rentiesville, OK |
Disney, OK | Reydon, OK |
Dougherty, OK | Ringling, OK |
Douglas, OK | Ringold, OK |
Dover, OK | Ringwood, OK |
Drummond, OK | Ripley, OK |
Drumright, OK | Rocky, OK |
Duke, OK | Roff, OK |
Duncan, OK | Roland, OK |
Durant, OK | Roosevelt, OK |
Durham, OK | Rose, OK |
Dustin, OK | Rosston, OK |
Eagletown, OK | Rufe, OK |
Eakly, OK | Rush Springs, OK |
Earlsboro, OK | Ryan, OK |
Edmond, OK | Saint Louis, OK |
El Reno, OK | Salina, OK |
Eldorado, OK | Sallisaw, OK |
Elgin, OK | Sand Springs, OK |
Elk City, OK | Sapulpa, OK |
Elmer, OK | Sasakwa, OK |
Elmore City, OK | Savanna, OK |
Enid, OK | Sawyer, OK |
Erick, OK | Sayre, OK |
Eucha, OK | Schulter, OK |
Eufaula, OK | Seiling, OK |
Fairfax, OK | Seminole, OK |
Fairland, OK | Sentinel, OK |
Fairmont, OK | Shady Point, OK |
Fairview, OK | Shamrock, OK |
Fanshawe, OK | Sharon, OK |
Fargo, OK | Shattuck, OK |
Faxon, OK | Shawnee, OK |
Fay, OK | Shidler, OK |
Felt, OK | Skiatook, OK |
Finley, OK | Slick, OK |
Fittstown, OK | Smithville, OK |
Fitzhugh, OK | Snow, OK |
Fletcher, OK | Snyder, OK |
Forgan, OK | Soper, OK |
Fort Cobb, OK | South Coffeyville, OK |
Fort Gibson, OK | Southard, OK |
Fort Sill, OK | Sparks, OK |
Fort Supply, OK | Spavinaw, OK |
Fort Towson, OK | Spencer, OK |
Foss, OK | Spencerville, OK |
Foster, OK | Sperry, OK |
Fox, OK | Spiro, OK |
Foyil, OK | Springer, OK |
Francis, OK | Sterling, OK |
Frederick, OK | Stidham, OK |
Freedom, OK | Stigler, OK |
Gage, OK | Stillwater, OK |
Gans, OK | Stilwell, OK |
Garber, OK | Stonewall, OK |
Garvin, OK | Strang, OK |
Gate, OK | Stratford, OK |
Geary, OK | Stringtown, OK |
Gene Autry, OK | Stroud, OK |
Geronimo, OK | Stuart, OK |
Glencoe, OK | Sulphur, OK |
Glenpool, OK | Sweetwater, OK |
Golden, OK | Swink, OK |
Goltry, OK | Taft, OK |
Goodwell, OK | Tahlequah, OK |
Gore, OK | Talala, OK |
Gotebo, OK | Talihina, OK |
Gould, OK | Taloga, OK |
Gowen, OK | Tatums, OK |
Gracemont, OK | Tecumseh, OK |
Graham, OK | Temple, OK |
Grandfield, OK | Terlton, OK |
Granite, OK | Terral, OK |
Grant, OK | Texhoma, OK |
Greenfield, OK | Texola, OK |
Grove, OK | Thackerville, OK |
Guthrie, OK | Thomas, OK |
Guymon, OK | Tipton, OK |
Haileyville, OK | Tishomingo, OK |
Hallett, OK | Tonkawa, OK |
Hammon, OK | Tryon, OK |
Hanna, OK | Tulsa, OK |
Hardesty, OK | Tupelo, OK |
Harrah, OK | Turpin, OK |
Hartshorne, OK | Tuskahoma, OK |
Haskell, OK | Tussy, OK |
Hastings, OK | Tuttle, OK |
Haworth, OK | Twin Oaks, OK |
Headrick, OK | Tyrone, OK |
Healdton, OK | Union City, OK |
Heavener, OK | Valliant, OK |
Helena, OK | Velma, OK |
Hendrix, OK | Vera, OK |
Hennepin, OK | Verden, OK |
Hennessey, OK | Vian, OK |
Henryetta, OK | Vici, OK |
Hillsdale, OK | Vinita, OK |
Hinton, OK | Vinson, OK |
Hitchcock, OK | Wagoner, OK |
Hitchita, OK | Wainwright, OK |
Hobart, OK | Wakita, OK |
Hodgen, OK | Walters, OK |
Holdenville, OK | Wanette, OK |
Hollis, OK | Wann, OK |
Hollister, OK | Wapanucka, OK |
Hominy, OK | Wardville, OK |
Honobia, OK | Warner, OK |
Hooker, OK | Washington, OK |
Hopeton, OK | Washita, OK |
Howe, OK | Watonga, OK |
Hoyt, OK | Watson, OK |
Hugo, OK | Watts, OK |
Hulbert, OK | Waukomis, OK |
Hunter, OK | Waurika, OK |
Hydro, OK | Wayne, OK |
Idabel, OK | Waynoka, OK |
Indiahoma, OK | Weatherford, OK |
Indianola, OK | Webbers Falls, OK |
Inola, OK | Welch, OK |
Isabella, OK | Weleetka, OK |
Jay, OK | Welling, OK |
Jenks, OK | Wellston, OK |
Jennings, OK | Westville, OK |
Jet, OK | Wetumka, OK |
Jones, OK | Wewoka, OK |
Kansas, OK | Wheatland, OK |
Kaw City, OK | Whitefield, OK |
Kellyville, OK | Whitesboro, OK |
Kemp, OK | Wilburton, OK |
Kenefic, OK | Willow, OK |
Kenton, OK | Wilson, OK |
Keota, OK | Wister, OK |
Ketchum, OK | Woodward, OK |
Keyes, OK | Wright City, OK |
Kiefer, OK | Wyandotte, OK |
Kingfisher, OK | Wynnewood, OK |
Kingston, OK | Wynona, OK |
Kinta, OK | Yale, OK |
Kiowa, OK | Yukon, OK |
Knowles, OK |
Adair County | Le Flore County |
Alfalfa County | Lincoln County |
Atoka County | Logan County |
Beaver County | Love County |
Beckham County | Major County |
Blaine County | Marshall County |
Bryan County | Mayes County |
Caddo County | McClain County |
Canadian County | McCurtain County |
Carter County | McIntosh County |
Cherokee County | Murray County |
Choctaw County | Muskogee County |
Cimarron County | Noble County |
Cleveland County | Nowata County |
Coal County | Okfuskee County |
Comanche County | Oklahoma County |
Cotton County | Okmulgee County |
Craig County | Osage County |
Creek County | Ottawa County |
Custer County | Pawnee County |
Delaware County | Payne County |
Dewey County | Pittsburg County |
Ellis County | Pontotoc County |
Garfield County | Pottawatomie County |
Garvin County | Pushmataha County |
Grady County | Roger Mills County |
Grant County | Rogers County |
Greer County | Seminole County |
Harmon County | Sequoyah County |
Harper County | Stephens County |
Haskell County | Texas County |
Hughes County | Tillman County |
Jackson County | Tulsa County |
Jefferson County | Wagoner County |
Johnston County | Washington County |
Kay County | Washita County |
Kingfisher County | Woods County |
Kiowa County | Woodward County |
Latimer County |
73001 | 73601 | 74338 |
73002 | 73620 | 74339 |
73003 | 73622 | 74340 |
73004 | 73624 | 74342 |
73005 | 73625 | 74343 |
73006 | 73626 | 74344 |
73007 | 73627 | 74345 |
73008 | 73628 | 74346 |
73009 | 73632 | 74347 |
73010 | 73638 | 74349 |
73011 | 73639 | 74350 |
73012 | 73641 | 74352 |
73013 | 73642 | 74353 |
73014 | 73644 | 74354 |
73015 | 73645 | 74355 |
73016 | 73646 | 74358 |
73017 | 73647 | 74359 |
73018 | 73648 | 74360 |
73019 | 73650 | 74361 |
73020 | 73651 | 74362 |
73021 | 73654 | 74363 |
73022 | 73655 | 74364 |
73023 | 73656 | 74365 |
73024 | 73658 | 74366 |
73026 | 73659 | 74367 |
73027 | 73660 | 74368 |
73028 | 73661 | 74369 |
73029 | 73662 | 74370 |
73030 | 73663 | 74401 |
73031 | 73664 | 74402 |
73032 | 73666 | 74403 |
73033 | 73667 | 74421 |
73034 | 73668 | 74422 |
73036 | 73669 | 74423 |
73038 | 73673 | 74425 |
73040 | 73701 | 74426 |
73041 | 73702 | 74427 |
73042 | 73703 | 74428 |
73043 | 73705 | 74429 |
73044 | 73706 | 74430 |
73045 | 73716 | 74431 |
73047 | 73717 | 74432 |
73048 | 73718 | 74434 |
73049 | 73719 | 74435 |
73050 | 73720 | 74436 |
73051 | 73722 | 74437 |
73052 | 73724 | 74438 |
73053 | 73726 | 74440 |
73054 | 73727 | 74441 |
73055 | 73728 | 74442 |
73056 | 73729 | 74444 |
73057 | 73730 | 74445 |
73058 | 73731 | 74446 |
73059 | 73733 | 74447 |
73061 | 73734 | 74450 |
73062 | 73735 | 74451 |
73063 | 73736 | 74452 |
73064 | 73737 | 74454 |
73065 | 73738 | 74455 |
73066 | 73739 | 74456 |
73067 | 73741 | 74457 |
73068 | 73742 | 74458 |
73069 | 73743 | 74459 |
73070 | 73744 | 74460 |
73071 | 73746 | 74461 |
73072 | 73747 | 74462 |
73073 | 73749 | 74463 |
73074 | 73750 | 74464 |
73075 | 73753 | 74465 |
73077 | 73754 | 74466 |
73078 | 73755 | 74467 |
73079 | 73756 | 74468 |
73080 | 73757 | 74469 |
73082 | 73758 | 74470 |
73083 | 73759 | 74471 |
73084 | 73760 | 74472 |
73085 | 73761 | 74477 |
73086 | 73762 | 74501 |
73089 | 73763 | 74502 |
73090 | 73764 | 74521 |
73092 | 73766 | 74522 |
73093 | 73768 | 74523 |
73094 | 73770 | 74525 |
73095 | 73771 | 74528 |
73096 | 73772 | 74529 |
73097 | 73773 | 74530 |
73098 | 73801 | 74531 |
73099 | 73802 | 74533 |
73101 | 73832 | 74534 |
73102 | 73834 | 74535 |
73103 | 73835 | 74536 |
73104 | 73838 | 74538 |
73105 | 73840 | 74540 |
73106 | 73841 | 74542 |
73107 | 73842 | 74543 |
73108 | 73843 | 74545 |
73109 | 73844 | 74546 |
73110 | 73847 | 74547 |
73111 | 73848 | 74549 |
73112 | 73851 | 74552 |
73113 | 73852 | 74553 |
73114 | 73853 | 74554 |
73115 | 73855 | 74555 |
73116 | 73857 | 74556 |
73117 | 73858 | 74557 |
73118 | 73859 | 74558 |
73119 | 73860 | 74559 |
73120 | 73901 | 74560 |
73121 | 73931 | 74561 |
73122 | 73932 | 74562 |
73123 | 73933 | 74563 |
73124 | 73937 | 74565 |
73125 | 73938 | 74567 |
73126 | 73939 | 74569 |
73127 | 73942 | 74570 |
73128 | 73944 | 74571 |
73129 | 73945 | 74572 |
73130 | 73946 | 74574 |
73131 | 73947 | 74576 |
73132 | 73949 | 74577 |
73134 | 73950 | 74578 |
73135 | 73951 | 74601 |
73136 | 74001 | 74602 |
73137 | 74002 | 74603 |
73139 | 74003 | 74604 |
73140 | 74004 | 74630 |
73141 | 74005 | 74631 |
73142 | 74006 | 74632 |
73143 | 74008 | 74633 |
73144 | 74009 | 74636 |
73145 | 74010 | 74637 |
73146 | 74011 | 74640 |
73147 | 74012 | 74641 |
73148 | 74013 | 74643 |
73149 | 74014 | 74644 |
73150 | 74015 | 74646 |
73151 | 74016 | 74647 |
73152 | 74017 | 74650 |
73153 | 74018 | 74651 |
73154 | 74020 | 74652 |
73155 | 74021 | 74653 |
73156 | 74022 | 74701 |
73157 | 74023 | 74702 |
73159 | 74026 | 74720 |
73160 | 74027 | 74721 |
73162 | 74028 | 74722 |
73163 | 74029 | 74723 |
73164 | 74030 | 74724 |
73165 | 74031 | 74726 |
73167 | 74032 | 74727 |
73169 | 74033 | 74728 |
73170 | 74034 | 74729 |
73172 | 74035 | 74730 |
73173 | 74036 | 74731 |
73177 | 74037 | 74733 |
73178 | 74038 | 74734 |
73179 | 74039 | 74735 |
73180 | 74041 | 74736 |
73184 | 74042 | 74737 |
73185 | 74043 | 74738 |
73189 | 74044 | 74740 |
73190 | 74045 | 74741 |
73193 | 74046 | 74743 |
73194 | 74047 | 74745 |
73196 | 74048 | 74747 |
73197 | 74050 | 74748 |
73198 | 74051 | 74750 |
73199 | 74052 | 74752 |
73401 | 74053 | 74753 |
73402 | 74054 | 74754 |
73403 | 74055 | 74755 |
73425 | 74056 | 74756 |
73430 | 74058 | 74759 |
73432 | 74059 | 74760 |
73433 | 74060 | 74761 |
73434 | 74061 | 74764 |
73435 | 74062 | 74766 |
73436 | 74063 | 74801 |
73437 | 74066 | 74802 |
73438 | 74067 | 74804 |
73439 | 74068 | 74818 |
73440 | 74070 | 74820 |
73441 | 74071 | 74821 |
73442 | 74072 | 74824 |
73443 | 74073 | 74825 |
73444 | 74074 | 74826 |
73446 | 74075 | 74827 |
73447 | 74076 | 74829 |
73448 | 74077 | 74830 |
73449 | 74078 | 74831 |
73450 | 74079 | 74832 |
73453 | 74080 | 74833 |
73455 | 74081 | 74834 |
73456 | 74082 | 74836 |
73458 | 74083 | 74837 |
73459 | 74084 | 74839 |
73460 | 74085 | 74840 |
73461 | 74101 | 74842 |
73463 | 74102 | 74843 |
73476 | 74103 | 74844 |
73481 | 74104 | 74845 |
73487 | 74105 | 74848 |
73488 | 74106 | 74849 |
73491 | 74107 | 74850 |
73501 | 74108 | 74851 |
73502 | 74110 | 74852 |
73503 | 74112 | 74854 |
73505 | 74114 | 74855 |
73506 | 74115 | 74856 |
73507 | 74116 | 74857 |
73520 | 74117 | 74859 |
73521 | 74119 | 74860 |
73522 | 74120 | 74864 |
73523 | 74121 | 74865 |
73526 | 74126 | 74866 |
73527 | 74127 | 74867 |
73528 | 74128 | 74868 |
73529 | 74129 | 74869 |
73530 | 74130 | 74871 |
73531 | 74131 | 74872 |
73532 | 74132 | 74873 |
73533 | 74133 | 74875 |
73534 | 74134 | 74878 |
73536 | 74135 | 74880 |
73537 | 74136 | 74881 |
73538 | 74137 | 74883 |
73539 | 74141 | 74884 |
73540 | 74145 | 74901 |
73541 | 74146 | 74902 |
73542 | 74147 | 74930 |
73543 | 74148 | 74931 |
73544 | 74149 | 74932 |
73546 | 74150 | 74935 |
73547 | 74152 | 74936 |
73548 | 74153 | 74937 |
73549 | 74155 | 74939 |
73550 | 74156 | 74940 |
73551 | 74157 | 74941 |
73552 | 74158 | 74942 |
73553 | 74159 | 74943 |
73554 | 74169 | 74944 |
73555 | 74170 | 74945 |
73556 | 74171 | 74946 |
73557 | 74172 | 74947 |
73558 | 74182 | 74948 |
73559 | 74183 | 74949 |
73560 | 74184 | 74951 |
73561 | 74186 | 74953 |
73562 | 74187 | 74954 |
73564 | 74189 | 74955 |
73565 | 74192 | 74956 |
73566 | 74193 | 74957 |
73567 | 74194 | 74959 |
73568 | 74301 | 74960 |
73569 | 74330 | 74962 |
73570 | 74331 | 74963 |
73571 | 74332 | 74964 |
73572 | 74333 | 74965 |
73573 | 74335 | 74966 |
73575 | 74337 |