Nebraska Medical Alert Systems, Alarms, Devices and Equipment
Don’t Have a Phone Line/Home Landline? Click Here for Options.
Linear PERS
Our most basic medical alert system; includes both a bracelet and necklace attachment.
Linear PERS Product Page
NextAlert II
A mobile medical alert; speak directly to an operator through the wearable device.
NextAlert Product Page

Speak directly through both the bracelet and necklace 24/7 to an EMT certified operator.
LifeSentry Product Page
Nebraska Medical Alert and Medical Alarm by Prime
Prime Medical Alert takes care of residents all over Nebraska. Whether you live in Lincoln, Bellevue, Grand Island, Omaha, Kearney or anywhere else, we can help. Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) according the CDC. During a TBI help response time is especially important. With Prime you can get help with the simple press of a button. Our help buttons are water resistant and work in the shower, bath, etc. Give one of our medical alarm representatives a call and we can help you today.
Abie, NE | Kilgore, NE |
Adams, NE | Kimball, NE |
Ainsworth, NE | La Vista, NE |
Albion, NE | Lakeside, NE |
Alda, NE | Laurel, NE |
Alexandria, NE | Lawrence, NE |
Allen, NE | Lebanon, NE |
Alliance, NE | Leigh, NE |
Alma, NE | Lemoyne, NE |
Alvo, NE | Lewellen, NE |
Amelia, NE | Lewiston, NE |
Ames, NE | Lexington, NE |
Amherst, NE | Liberty, NE |
Angora, NE | Lincoln, NE |
Anselmo, NE | Lindsay, NE |
Ansley, NE | Linwood, NE |
Arapahoe, NE | Lisco, NE |
Arcadia, NE | Litchfield, NE |
Archer, NE | Lodgepole, NE |
Arlington, NE | Long Pine, NE |
Arnold, NE | Loomis, NE |
Arthur, NE | Lorton, NE |
Ashby, NE | Louisville, NE |
Ashland, NE | Loup City, NE |
Ashton, NE | Lyman, NE |
Atkinson, NE | Lynch, NE |
Atlanta, NE | Lyons, NE |
Auburn, NE | Macy, NE |
Aurora, NE | Madison, NE |
Avoca, NE | Madrid, NE |
Axtell, NE | Magnet, NE |
Ayr, NE | Malcolm, NE |
Bancroft, NE | Malmo, NE |
Barneston, NE | Manley, NE |
Bartlett, NE | Marquette, NE |
Bartley, NE | Marsland, NE |
Bassett, NE | Martell, NE |
Battle Creek, NE | Maskell, NE |
Bayard, NE | Mason City, NE |
Beatrice, NE | Max, NE |
Beaver City, NE | Maxwell, NE |
Beaver Crossing, NE | Maywood, NE |
Bee, NE | Mc Cook, NE |
Beemer, NE | Mc Cool Junction, NE |
Belden, NE | McGrew, NE |
Belgrade, NE | McLean, NE |
Bellevue, NE | Mead, NE |
Bellwood, NE | Meadow Grove, NE |
Belvidere, NE | Melbeta, NE |
Benedict, NE | Memphis, NE |
Benkelman, NE | Merna, NE |
Bennet, NE | Merriman, NE |
Bennington, NE | Milford, NE |
Bertrand, NE | Miller, NE |
Berwyn, NE | Milligan, NE |
Big Springs, NE | Mills, NE |
Bingham, NE | Minatare, NE |
Bladen, NE | Minden, NE |
Blair, NE | Mitchell, NE |
Bloomfield, NE | Monroe, NE |
Bloomington, NE | Moorefield, NE |
Blue Hill, NE | Morrill, NE |
Blue Springs, NE | Morse Bluff, NE |
Boelus, NE | Mullen, NE |
Boys Town, NE | Murdock, NE |
Bradshaw, NE | Murray, NE |
Brady, NE | Naper, NE |
Brainard, NE | Naponee, NE |
Brewster, NE | Nebraska City, NE |
Bridgeport, NE | Nehawka, NE |
Bristow, NE | Neligh, NE |
Broadwater, NE | Nelson, NE |
Brock, NE | Nemaha, NE |
Broken Bow, NE | Nenzel, NE |
Brownville, NE | Newcastle, NE |
Brule, NE | Newman Grove, NE |
Bruning, NE | Newport, NE |
Bruno, NE | Nickerson, NE |
Brunswick, NE | Niobrara, NE |
Burchard, NE | Norfolk, NE |
Burr, NE | North Bend, NE |
Burwell, NE | North Loup, NE |
Bushnell, NE | North Platte, NE |
Butte, NE | Oak, NE |
Byron, NE | Oakdale, NE |
Cairo, NE | Oakland, NE |
Callaway, NE | Oconto, NE |
Cambridge, NE | Odell, NE |
Campbell, NE/td> | Odessa, NE |
Carleton, NE | Offutt A F B, NE |
Carroll, NE | Ogallala, NE |
Cedar Bluffs, NE | Ohiowa, NE |
Cedar Creek, NE | Omaha, NE |
Cedar Rapids, NE | Oneill, NE |
Center, NE | Ong, NE |
Central City, NE | Orchard, NE |
Ceresco, NE | Ord, NE |
Chadron, NE | Orleans, NE |
Chambers, NE | Osceola, NE |
Champion, NE | Oshkosh, NE |
Chapman, NE | Osmond, NE |
Chappell, NE | Otoe, NE |
Chester, NE | Overton, NE |
Clarks, NE | Oxford, NE |
Clarkson, NE | Page, NE |
Clatonia, NE | Palisade, NE |
Clay Center, NE | Palmer, NE |
Clearwater, NE | Palmyra, NE |
Cody, NE | Panama, NE |
Coleridge, NE | Papillion, NE |
Colon, NE | Parks, NE |
Columbus, NE | Pawnee City, NE |
Comstock, NE | Paxton, NE |
Concord, NE | Pender, NE |
Cook, NE | Peru, NE |
Cordova, NE | Petersburg, NE |
Cortland, NE | Phillips, NE |
Cozad, NE | Pickrell, NE |
Crab Orchard, NE | Pierce, NE |
Craig, NE | Pilger, NE |
Crawford, NE | Plainview, NE |
Creighton, NE | Platte Center, NE |
Creston, NE | Plattsmouth, NE |
Crete, NE | Pleasant Dale, NE |
Crofton, NE | Pleasanton, NE |
Crookston, NE | Plymouth, NE |
Culbertson, NE | Polk, NE |
Curtis, NE | Ponca, NE |
Dakota City, NE | Potter, NE |
Dalton, NE | Prague, NE |
Danbury, NE | Primrose, NE |
Dannebrog, NE | Purdum, NE |
Davenport, NE | Ragan, NE |
Davey, NE | Randolph, NE |
David City, NE | Ravenna, NE |
Dawson, NE | Raymond, NE |
Daykin, NE | Red Cloud, NE |
De Witt, NE | Republican City, NE |
Decatur, NE | Reynolds, NE |
Denton, NE | Rising City, NE |
Deshler, NE | Riverdale, NE |
Deweese, NE | Riverton, NE |
Dickens, NE | Roca, NE |
Diller, NE | Rockville, NE |
Dix, NE | Rogers, NE |
Dixon, NE | Rosalie, NE |
Dodge, NE | Roseland, NE |
Doniphan, NE | Royal, NE |
Dorchester, NE | Rulo, NE |
Douglas, NE | Rushville, NE |
Du Bois, NE | Ruskin, NE |
Dunbar, NE | Saint Columbans, NE |
Duncan, NE | Saint Edward, NE |
Dunning, NE | Saint Helena, NE |
Dwight, NE | Saint Libory, NE |
Eagle, NE | Saint Paul, NE |
Eddyville, NE | Salem, NE |
Edgar, NE | Sargent, NE |
Edison, NE | Saronville, NE |
Elba, NE | Schuyler, NE |
Elgin, NE | Scotia, NE |
Elk Creek, NE | Scottsbluff, NE |
Elkhorn, NE | Scribner, NE |
Ellsworth, NE | Seneca, NE |
Elm Creek, NE | Seward, NE |
Elmwood, NE | Shelby, NE |
Elsie, NE | Shelton, NE |
Elsmere, NE | Shickley, NE |
Elwood, NE | Shubert, NE |
Elyria, NE | Sidney, NE |
Emerson, NE | Silver Creek, NE |
Emmet, NE | Smithfield, NE |
Enders, NE | Snyder, NE |
Endicott, NE | South Bend, NE |
Ericson, NE | South Sioux City, NE |
Eustis, NE | Spalding, NE |
Ewing, NE | Sparks, NE |
Exeter, NE | Spencer, NE |
Fairbury, NE | Sprague, NE |
Fairfield, NE | Springfield, NE |
Fairmont, NE | Springview, NE |
Falls City, NE | Stamford, NE |
Farnam, NE | Stanton, NE |
Farwell, NE | Staplehurst, NE |
Filley, NE | Stapleton, NE |
Firth, NE | Steele City, NE |
Fordyce, NE | Steinauer, NE |
Fort Calhoun, NE | Stella, NE |
Foster, NE | Sterling, NE |
Franklin, NE | Stockville, NE |
Fremont, NE | Strang, NE |
Friend, NE | Stratton, NE |
Fullerton, NE | Stromsburg, NE |
Funk, NE | Stuart, NE |
Garland, NE | Sumner, NE |
Geneva, NE | Superior, NE |
Genoa, NE | Surprise, NE |
Gering, NE | Sutherland, NE |
Gibbon, NE | Sutton, NE |
Gilead, NE | Swanton, NE |
Giltner, NE | Syracuse, NE |
Glenvil, NE | Table Rock, NE |
Goehner, NE | Talmage, NE |
Gordon, NE | Taylor, NE |
Gothenburg, NE | Tecumseh, NE |
Grafton, NE | Tekamah, NE |
Grand Island, NE | Thedford, NE |
Grant, NE | Thurston, NE |
Greeley, NE | Tilden, NE |
Greenwood, NE | Tobias, NE |
Gresham, NE | Trenton, NE |
Gretna, NE | Trumbull, NE |
Guide Rock, NE | Tryon, NE |
Gurley, NE | Uehling, NE |
Hadar, NE | Ulysses, NE |
Haigler, NE | Unadilla, NE |
Hallam, NE | Union, NE |
Halsey, NE | Upland, NE |
Hampton, NE | Utica, NE |
Hardy, NE | Valentine, NE |
Harrisburg, NE | Valley, NE |
Harrison, NE | Valparaiso, NE |
Hartington, NE | Venango, NE |
Harvard, NE | Verdigre, NE |
Hastings, NE | Verdon, NE |
Hay Springs, NE | Virginia, NE |
Hayes Center, NE | Waco, NE |
Hazard, NE | Wahoo, NE |
Heartwell, NE | Wakefield, NE |
Hebron, NE | Wallace, NE |
Hemingford, NE | Walthill, NE |
Henderson, NE | Walton, NE |
Hendley, NE | Washington, NE |
Henry, NE | Waterbury, NE |
Herman, NE | Waterloo, NE |
Hershey, NE | Wauneta, NE |
Hickman, NE | Wausa, NE |
Hildreth, NE | Waverly, NE |
Holbrook, NE | Wayne, NE |
Holdrege, NE | Weeping Water, NE |
Holstein, NE | Weissert, NE |
Homer, NE | Wellfleet, NE |
Hooper, NE | West Point, NE |
Hordville, NE | Western, NE |
Hoskins, NE | Westerville, NE |
Howells, NE | Weston, NE |
Hubbard, NE | Whiteclay, NE |
Hubbell, NE | Whitman, NE |
Humboldt, NE | Whitney, NE |
Humphrey, NE | Wilber, NE |
Hyannis, NE | Wilcox, NE |
Imperial, NE | Willow Island, NE |
Inavale, NE | Wilsonville, NE |
Indianola, NE | Winnebago, NE |
Inland, NE | Winnetoon, NE |
Inman, NE | Winside, NE |
Ithaca, NE | Winslow, NE |
Jackson, NE | Wisner, NE |
Jansen, NE | Wolbach, NE |
Johnson, NE | Wood Lake, NE |
Johnstown, NE | Wood River, NE |
Juniata, NE | Wymore, NE |
Kearney, NE | Wynot, NE |
Kenesaw, NE | York, NE |
Kennard, NE | Yutan, NE |
Keystone, NE |
Adams County | Jefferson County |
Antelope County | Johnson County |
Arthur County | Kearney County |
Banner County | Keith County |
Blaine County | Keya Paha County |
Boone County | Kimball County |
Box Butte County | Knox County |
Boyd County | Lancaster County |
Brown County | Lincoln County |
Buffalo County | Logan County |
Burt County | Loup County |
Butler County | Madison County |
Cass County | McPherson County |
Cedar County | Merrick County |
Chase County | Morrill County |
Cherry County | Nance County |
Cheyenne County | Nemaha County |
Clay County | Nuckolls County |
Colfax County | Otoe County |
Cuming County | Pawnee County |
Custer County | Perkins County |
Dakota County | Phelps County |
Dawes County | Pierce County |
Dawson County | Platte County |
Deuel County | Polk County |
Dixon County | Red Willow County |
Dodge County | Richardson County |
Douglas County | Rock County |
Dundy County | Saline County |
Fillmore County | Sarpy County |
Franklin County | Saunders County |
Frontier County | Scotts Bluff County |
Furnas County | Seward County |
Gage County | Sheridan County |
Garden County | Sherman County |
Garfield County | Sioux County |
Gosper County | Stanton County |
Grant County | Thayer County |
Greeley County | Thomas County |
Hall County | Thurston County |
Hamilton County | Valley County |
Harlan County | Washington County |
Hayes County | Wayne County |
Hitchcock County | Webster County |
Holt County | Wheeler County |
Hooker County | York County |
Howard County |
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99512 99640 99745
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99520 99650 99753
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99574 99682 99784
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99576 99684 99786
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99578 99686 99789
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99580 99688 99791
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99610 99712 99901
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99627 99732