Maine Medical Alert Systems, Alarms, Devices and Equipment
Don’t Have a Phone Line/Home Landline? Click Here for Options.
Linear PERS
Our most basic medical alert system; includes both a bracelet and necklace attachment.
Linear PERS Product Page
NextAlert II
A mobile medical alert; speak directly to an operator through the wearable device.
NextAlert Product Page

Speak directly through both the bracelet and necklace 24/7 to an EMT certified operator.
LifeSentry Product Page
Maine Medical Alert and Medical Alarm by Prime
Our service area includes the entire state of Maine. Whether you are in Lewiston, Portland, Bangor, Auburn, South Portland, or anywhere in the middle, we can take care of you. Our agents are available 24/7/365 at 800-723-6442 to take any questions you may have. According to the CDC, seniors should have their eyes checked by an eye doctor at least once a year and update their eyeglasses to maximize their vision. Consider getting a pair with single vision distance lenses for some activities such as walking outside. Additionally consider one of our medical alerts for seniors. They come in necklace, bracelet, and belt-clip configurations.
Abbot, ME | Mars Hill, ME |
Acton, ME | Masardis, ME |
Addison, ME | Matinicus, ME |
Albion, ME | Mattawamkeag, ME |
Alfred, ME | Mechanic Falls, ME |
Alna, ME | Meddybemps, ME |
Andover, ME | Medway, ME |
Anson, ME | Merepoint, ME |
Ashland, ME | Mexico, ME |
Athens, ME | Milbridge, ME |
Auburn, ME | Milford, ME |
Augusta, ME | Millinocket, ME |
Aurora, ME | Milo, ME |
Bailey Island, ME | Minot, ME |
Baileyville, ME | Monhegan, ME |
Bangor, ME | Monmouth, ME |
Bar Harbor, ME | Monroe, ME |
Bar Mills, ME | Monson, ME |
Bass Harbor, ME | Monticello, ME |
Bath, ME | Moody, ME |
Bayville, ME | Morrill, ME |
Beals, ME | Mount Desert, ME |
Belfast, ME | Mount Vernon, ME |
Belgrade, ME | Naples, ME |
Belgrade Lakes, ME | New Gloucester, ME |
Benedicta, ME | New Harbor, ME |
Bernard, ME | New Limerick, ME |
Berwick, ME | New Portland, ME |
Bethel, ME | New Sharon, ME |
Biddeford, ME | New Sweden, ME |
Biddeford Pool, ME | New Vineyard, ME |
Bingham, ME | Newcastle, ME |
Birch Harbor, ME | Newfield, ME |
Blaine, ME | Newport, ME |
Blue Hill, ME | Newry, ME |
Blue Hill Falls, ME | Nobleboro, ME |
Boothbay, ME | Norridgewock, ME |
Boothbay Harbor, ME | North Anson, ME |
Bowdoin, ME | North Berwick, ME |
Bowdoinham, ME | North Bridgton, ME |
Bradford, ME | North Haven, ME |
Bradley, ME | North Jay, ME |
Bremen, ME | North Monmouth, ME |
Brewer, ME | North Turner, ME |
Bridgewater, ME | North Vassalboro, ME |
Bridgton, ME | North Waterboro, ME |
Bristol, ME | North Waterford, ME |
Brooklin, ME | North Yarmouth, ME |
Brooks, ME | Northeast Harbor, ME |
Brooksville, ME | Norway, ME |
Brookton, ME | Oakfield, ME |
Brownfield, ME | Oakland, ME |
Brownville, ME | Ocean Park, ME |
Brownville Junction, ME | Ogunquit, ME |
Brunswick, ME | Olamon, ME |
Bryant Pond, ME | Old Orchard Beach, ME |
Buckfield, ME | Old Town, ME |
Bucksport, ME | Oquossoc, ME |
Burlington, ME | Orient, ME |
Burnham, ME | Orland, ME |
Bustins Island, ME | Orono, ME |
Buxton, ME | Orrington, ME |
Calais, ME | Orrs Island, ME |
Cambridge, ME | Owls Head, ME |
Camden, ME | Oxbow, ME |
Canaan, ME | Oxford, ME |
Canton, ME | Palermo, ME |
Cape Elizabeth, ME | Palmyra, ME |
Cape Neddick, ME | Paris, ME |
Cape Porpoise, ME | Parsonsfield, ME |
Caratunk, ME | Passadumkeag, ME |
Caribou, ME | Patten, ME |
Carmel, ME | Peaks Island, ME |
Casco, ME | Pemaquid, ME |
Castine, ME | Pembroke, ME |
Center Lovell, ME | Penobscot, ME |
Chamberlain, ME | Perham, ME |
Charleston, ME | Perry, ME |
Chebeague Island, ME | Peru, ME |
Cherryfield, ME | Phillips, ME |
China Village, ME | Phippsburg, ME |
Clayton Lake, ME | Pittsfield, ME |
Cliff Island, ME | Plymouth, ME |
Clinton, ME | Poland, ME |
Columbia Falls, ME | Port Clyde, ME |
Coopers Mills, ME | Portage, ME |
Corea, ME | Porter, ME |
Corinna, ME | Portland, ME |
Corinth, ME | Pownal, ME |
Cornish, ME | Presque Isle, ME |
Costigan, ME | Princeton, ME |
Cranberry Isles, ME | Prospect Harbor, ME |
Crouseville, ME | Quimby, ME |
Cumberland Center, ME | Randolph, ME |
Cumberland Foreside, ME | Rangeley, ME |
Cushing, ME | Raymond, ME |
Cutler, ME | Readfield, ME |
Damariscotta, ME | Richmond, ME |
Danforth, ME | Robbinston, ME |
Danville, ME | Rockland, ME |
Deer Isle, ME | Rockport, ME |
Denmark, ME | Rockwood, ME |
Dennysville, ME | Round Pond, ME |
Detroit, ME | Roxbury, ME |
Dexter, ME | Rumford, ME |
Dixfield, ME | Rumford Center, ME |
Dixmont, ME | Sabattus, ME |
Dover Foxcroft, ME | Saco, ME |
Dresden, ME | Saint Agatha, ME |
Dryden, ME | Saint Albans, ME |
Durham, ME | Saint David, ME |
Eagle Lake, ME | Saint Francis, ME |
East Andover, ME | Salsbury Cove, ME |
East Baldwin, ME | Sandy Point, ME |
East Blue Hill, ME | Sanford, ME |
East Boothbay, ME | Sangerville, ME |
East Dixfield, ME | Sargentville, ME |
East Livermore, ME | Scarborough, ME |
East Machias, ME | Seal Cove, ME |
East Millinocket, ME | Seal Harbor, ME |
East Newport, ME | Searsmont, ME |
East Orland, ME | Searsport, ME |
East Parsonfield, ME | Sebago, ME |
East Poland, ME | Sebago Lake, ME |
East Vassalboro, ME | Sebasco Estates, ME |
East Waterboro, ME | Sebec, ME |
East Wilton, ME | Sedgwick, ME |
East Winthrop, ME | Shapleigh, ME |
Easton, ME | Shawmut, ME |
Eastport, ME | Sheridan, ME |
Eddington, ME | Sherman Mills, ME |
Edgecomb, ME | Sherman Station, ME |
Eliot, ME | Shirley Mills, ME |
Ellsworth, ME | Sinclair, ME |
Estcourt Station, ME | Skowhegan, ME |
Etna, ME | Small Point, ME |
Eustis, ME | Smithfield, ME |
Exeter, ME | Smyrna Mills, ME |
Fairfield, ME | Solon, ME |
Falmouth, ME | Sorrento, ME |
Farmingdale, ME | South Berwick, ME |
Farmington, ME | South Bristol, ME |
Farmington Falls, ME | South Casco, ME |
Fort Fairfield, ME | South China, ME |
Fort Kent, ME | South Freeport, ME |
Fort Kent Mills, ME | South Gardiner, ME |
Frankfort, ME | South Paris, ME |
Franklin, ME | South Portland, ME |
Freedom, ME | South Thomaston, ME |
Freeport, ME | South Windham, ME |
Frenchboro, ME | Southport, ME |
Frenchville, ME | Southwest Harbor, ME |
Friendship, ME | Springfield, ME |
Fryeburg, ME | Springvale, ME |
Gardiner, ME | Spruce Head, ME |
Garland, ME | Squirrel Island, ME |
Georgetown, ME | Stacyville, ME |
Glen Cove, ME | Standish, ME |
Gorham, ME | Steep Falls, ME |
Gouldsboro, ME | Stetson, ME |
Grand Isle, ME | Steuben, ME |
Grand Lake Stream, ME | Stillwater, ME |
Gray, ME | Stockholm, ME |
Greenbush, ME | Stockton Springs, ME |
Greene, ME | Stoneham, ME |
Greenville, ME | Stonington, ME |
Greenville Junction, ME | Stratton, ME |
Greenwood, ME | Strong, ME |
Guilford, ME | Sullivan, ME |
Hallowell, ME | Sumner, ME |
Hampden, ME | Sunset, ME |
Hancock, ME | Surry, ME |
Hanover, ME | Swans Island, ME |
Harborside, ME | Temple, ME |
Harmony, ME | Tenants Harbor, ME |
Harpswell, ME | Thomaston, ME |
Harrington, ME | Thorndike, ME |
Harrison, ME | Topsfield, ME |
Hartland, ME | Topsham, ME |
Hebron, ME | Trevett, ME |
Hinckley, ME | Troy, ME |
Hiram, ME | Turner, ME |
Holden, ME | Turner Center, ME |
Hollis Center, ME | Union, ME |
Hope, ME | Unity, ME |
Houlton, ME | Van Buren, ME |
Howland, ME | Vanceboro, ME |
Hudson, ME | Vassalboro, ME |
Hulls Cove, ME | Vienna, ME |
Island Falls, ME | Vinalhaven, ME |
Isle au Haut, ME | Waite, ME |
Isle of Springs, ME | Waldoboro, ME |
Islesboro, ME | Wallagrass, ME |
Islesford, ME | Walpole, ME |
Jackman, ME | Warren, ME |
Jay, ME | Washburn, ME |
Jefferson, ME | Washington, ME |
Jonesboro, ME | Waterboro, ME |
Jonesport, ME | Waterford, ME |
Kenduskeag, ME | Waterville, ME |
Kennebunk, ME | Wayne, ME |
Kennebunkport, ME | Weld, ME |
Kents Hill, ME | Wells, ME |
Kingfield, ME | Wesley, ME |
Kingman, ME | West Baldwin, ME |
Kittery, ME | West Bethel, ME |
Kittery Point, ME | West Boothbay Harbor, ME |
Lagrange, ME | West Enfield, ME |
Lambert Lake, ME | West Farmington, ME |
Lebanon, ME | West Forks, ME |
Lee, ME | West Kennebunk, ME |
Leeds, ME | West Minot, ME |
Levant, ME | West Newfield, ME |
Lewiston, ME | West Paris, ME |
Liberty, ME | West Poland, ME |
Limerick, ME | West Rockport, ME |
Limestone, ME | Westbrook, ME |
Limington, ME | Westfield, ME |
Lincoln, ME | Whitefield, ME |
Lincolnville, ME | Whiting, ME |
Lincolnville Center, ME | Wileys Corner, ME |
Lisbon, ME | Wilton, ME |
Lisbon Falls, ME | Windham, ME |
Litchfield, ME | Windsor, ME |
Little Deer Isle, ME | Winn, ME |
Livermore, ME | Winter Harbor, ME |
Livermore Falls, ME | Winterport, ME |
Long Island, ME | Winterville, ME |
Lovell, ME | Winthrop, ME |
Lubec, ME | Wiscasset, ME |
Machias, ME | Woolwich, ME |
Machiasport, ME | Wytopitlock, ME |
Madawaska, ME | Yarmouth, ME |
Madison, ME | York, ME |
Manchester, ME | York Beach, ME |
Manset, ME | York Harbor, ME |
Mapleton, ME |
Androscoggin County | Oxford County |
Aroostook County | Penobscot County |
Cumberland County | Piscataquis County |
Franklin County | Sagadahoc County |
Hancock County | Somerset County |
Kennebec County | Waldo County |
Knox County | Washington County |
Lincoln County | York County |
03901 04332 04658
03902 04333 04660
03903 04336 04662
03904 04338 04664
03905 04341 04665
03906 04342 04666
03907 04343 04667
03908 04344 04668
03909 04345 04669
03910 04346 04671
03911 04347 04672
04001 04348 04673
04002 04349 04674
04003 04350 04675
04004 04351 04676
04005 04352 04677
04006 04353 04679
04007 04354 04680
04008 04355 04681
04009 04357 04683
04010 04358 04684
04011 04359 04685
04013 04360 04686
04014 04363 04690
04015 04364 04691
04016 04401 04693
04017 04402 04694
04019 04406 04730
04020 04408 04732
04021 04410 04733
04022 04411 04734
04024 04412 04735
04027 04413 04736
04028 04414 04737
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04030 04416 04739
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04033 04418 04741
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04037 04420 04743
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04040 04423 04746
04041 04424 04747
04042 04426 04750
04043 04427 04751
04046 04428 04756
04047 04429 04757
04048 04430 04758
04049 04431 04759
04050 04434 04760
04051 04435 04761
04053 04438 04762
04054 04441 04763
04055 04442 04764
04056 04443 04765
04057 04444 04766
04061 04448 04768
04062 04449 04769
04063 04450 04770
04064 04451 04772
04066 04453 04773
04068 04454 04774
04069 04455 04775
04070 04456 04776
04071 04457 04777
04072 04459 04779
04073 04460 04780
04074 04461 04781
04075 04462 04782
04076 04463 04783
04077 04464 04785
04078 04467 04786
04079 04468 04787
04081 04469 04788
04082 04471 04841
04083 04472 04843
04084 04473 04846
04085 04474 04847
04086 04475 04848
04087 04476 04849
04088 04478 04850
04090 04479 04851
04091 04481 04852
04092 04485 04853
04093 04487 04854
04094 04488 04855
04095 04489 04856
04096 04490 04857
04097 04491 04858
04098 04492 04859
04101 04493 04860
04102 04495 04861
04103 04496 04862
04104 04497 04863
04105 04530 04864
04106 04535 04865
04107 04536 04901
04108 04537 04903
04109 04538 04910
04110 04539 04911
04112 04541 04912
04116 04543 04915
04122 04544 04917
04123 04547 04918
04124 04548 04920
04210 04549 04921
04211 04551 04922
04212 04552 04923
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04217 04554 04925
04219 04555 04926
04220 04556 04927
04221 04558 04928
04222 04562 04929
04223 04563 04930
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04227 04568 04936
04228 04570 04937
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04231 04572 04939
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04238 04576 04943
04239 04578 04944
04240 04579 04945
04241 04605 04947
04243 04606 04949
04250 04607 04950
04252 04609 04951
04253 04611 04952
04254 04612 04953
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04256 04614 04955
04257 04615 04956
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04259 04617 04958
04260 04619 04961
04261 04622 04962
04262 04623 04963
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04271 04630 04971
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04276 04635 04974
04278 04637 04975
04280 04640 04976
04281 04642 04978
04282 04643 04979
04283 04644 04981
04284 04645 04982
04285 04646 04983
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04287 04649 04985
04288 04650 04986
04289 04652 04987
04290 04653 04988
04291 04654 04989
04292 04655 04992
04294 04656
04330 04657