Iowa Medical Alert Systems, Alarms, Devices and Equipment
Don’t Have a Phone Line/Home Landline? Click Here for Options.
Linear PERS
Our most basic medical alert system; includes both a bracelet and necklace attachment.
Linear PERS Product Page
NextAlert II
A mobile medical alert; speak directly to an operator through the wearable device.
NextAlert Product Page

Speak directly through both the bracelet and necklace 24/7 to an EMT certified operator.
LifeSentry Product Page
Iowa Medical Alert and Medical Alarm by Prime
We service the entire state of Iowa. Whether you live in Des Moines, Sioux City, Waterloo, Davenport, Cedar Rapids or anywhere in between, Prime Medical Alert will take care of you. In 2009, the rate of fall injuries for adults 85 and older was almost four times that for adults 65 to 74 (Center for Disease Prevention and Control). If you are in this age group, it is wise to consider a medical alarm system. All of our operators are based in the United States and have EMT certification. When you choose Prime Medical Alert, you choose the highest quality equipment and service.
Ackley,IA | Lehigh,IA |
Ackworth,IA | Leighton,IA |
Adair,IA | Leland,IA |
Adel,IA | Lenox,IA |
Afton,IA | Leon,IA |
Agency,IA | Lester,IA |
Ainsworth,IA | Letts,IA |
Akron,IA | Lewis,IA |
Albert City,IA | Liberty Center,IA |
Albia,IA | Libertyville,IA |
Albion,IA | Lidderdale,IA |
Alburnett,IA | Lime Springs,IA |
Alden,IA | Lincoln,IA |
Alexander,IA | Linden,IA |
Algona,IA | Lineville,IA |
Alleman,IA | Linn Grove,IA |
Allerton,IA | Lisbon,IA |
Allison,IA | Liscomb,IA |
Alta Vista,IA | Little Cedar,IA |
Alta,IA | Little Rock,IA |
Alton,IA | Little Sioux,IA |
Altoona,IA | Littleport,IA |
Alvord,IA | Livermore,IA |
Amana,IA | Lockridge,IA |
Ames,IA | Logan,IA |
Anamosa,IA | Lohrville,IA |
Andover,IA | Lone Rock,IA |
Andrew,IA | Lone Tree,IA |
Anita,IA | Long Grove,IA |
Ankeny,IA | Lorimor,IA |
Anthon,IA | Lost Nation,IA |
Aplington,IA | Lovilia,IA |
Arcadia,IA | Low Moor,IA |
Archer,IA | Lowden,IA |
Aredale,IA | Lu Verne,IA |
Argyle,IA | Luana,IA |
Arion,IA | Lucas,IA |
Arispe,IA | Luther,IA |
Arlington,IA | Luxemburg,IA |
Armstrong,IA | Luzerne,IA |
Arnolds Park,IA | Lynnville,IA |
Arthur,IA | Lytton,IA |
Ashton,IA | Macedonia,IA |
Aspinwall,IA | Macksburg,IA |
Atalissa,IA | Madrid,IA |
Atkins,IA | Magnolia,IA |
Atlantic,IA | Malcom,IA |
Auburn,IA | Mallard,IA |
Audubon,IA | Malvern,IA |
Aurelia,IA | Manchester,IA |
Aurora,IA | Manilla,IA |
Austinville,IA | Manly,IA |
Avoca,IA | Manning,IA |
Ayrshire,IA | Manson,IA |
Badger,IA | Mapleton,IA |
Bagley,IA | Maquoketa,IA |
Baldwin,IA | Marathon,IA |
Bancroft,IA | Marble Rock,IA |
Barnes City,IA | Marcus,IA |
Barnum,IA | Marengo,IA |
Batavia,IA | Marion,IA |
Battle Creek,IA | Marne,IA |
Baxter,IA | Marquette,IA |
Bayard,IA | Marshalltown,IA |
Beacon,IA | Martelle,IA |
Beaman,IA | Martensdale,IA |
Beaver,IA | Martinsburg,IA |
Bedford,IA | Mason City,IA |
Belle Plaine,IA | Masonville,IA |
Bellevue,IA | Massena,IA |
Belmond,IA | Matlock,IA |
Bennett,IA | Maurice,IA |
Benton,IA | Maxwell,IA |
Bernard,IA | May City,IA |
Berwick,IA | Maynard,IA |
Bettendorf,IA | Mc Callsburg,IA |
Bevington,IA | Mc Causland,IA |
Birmingham,IA | Mc Clelland,IA |
Blairsburg,IA | Mc Gregor,IA |
Blairstown,IA | Mc Intire,IA |
Blakesburg,IA | Mechanicsville,IA |
Blanchard,IA | Mediapolis,IA |
Blencoe,IA | Melbourne,IA |
Blockton,IA | Melcher,IA |
Bloomfield,IA | Melrose,IA |
Blue Grass,IA | Melvin,IA |
Bode,IA | Menlo,IA |
Bonaparte,IA | Meriden,IA |
Bondurant,IA | Merrill,IA |
Boone,IA | Meservey,IA |
Booneville,IA | Middle Amana,IA |
Bouton,IA | Middletown,IA |
Boxholm,IA | Miles,IA |
Boyden,IA | Milford,IA |
Braddyville,IA | Millersburg,IA |
Bradford,IA | Millerton,IA |
Bradgate,IA | Milo,IA |
Brandon,IA | Milton,IA |
Brayton,IA | Minburn,IA |
Breda,IA | Minden,IA |
Bridgewater,IA | Mineola,IA |
Brighton,IA | Mingo,IA |
Bristow,IA | Missouri Valley,IA |
Britt,IA | Mitchellville,IA |
Bronson,IA | Modale,IA |
Brooklyn,IA | Mondamin,IA |
Brunsville,IA | Monmouth,IA |
Bryant,IA | Monona,IA |
Buckeye,IA | Monroe,IA |
Buckingham,IA | Montezuma,IA |
Buffalo Center,IA | Monticello,IA |
Buffalo,IA | Montour,IA |
Burlington,IA | Montpelier,IA |
Burnside,IA | Montrose,IA |
Burt,IA | Moorhead,IA |
Bussey,IA | Moorland,IA |
Calamus,IA | Moravia,IA |
Callender,IA | Morley,IA |
Calmar,IA | Morning Sun,IA |
Calumet,IA | Morrison,IA |
Camanche,IA | Moscow,IA |
Cambridge,IA | Moulton,IA |
Cantril,IA | Mount Auburn,IA |
Carbon,IA | Mount Ayr,IA |
Carlisle,IA | Mount Pleasant,IA |
Carpenter,IA | Mount Sterling,IA |
Carroll,IA | Mount Union,IA |
Carson,IA | Mount Vernon,IA |
Carter Lake,IA | Moville,IA |
Cascade,IA | Murray,IA |
Casey,IA | Muscatine,IA |
Castalia,IA | Mystic,IA |
Castana,IA | Nashua,IA |
Cedar Falls,IA | Nemaha,IA |
Cedar Rapids,IA | Neola,IA |
Cedar,IA | Nevada,IA |
Center Junction,IA | New Albin,IA |
Center Point,IA | New Hampton,IA |
Centerville,IA | New Hartford,IA |
Central City,IA | New Liberty,IA |
Chapin,IA | New London,IA |
Chariton,IA | New Market,IA |
Charles City,IA | New Providence,IA |
Charlotte,IA | New Sharon,IA |
Charter Oak,IA | New Vienna,IA |
Chatsworth,IA | New Virginia,IA |
Chelsea,IA | Newell,IA |
Cherokee,IA | Newhall,IA |
Chester,IA | Newton,IA |
Chillicothe,IA | Nichols,IA |
Churdan,IA | Nodaway,IA |
Cincinnati,IA | Nora Springs,IA |
Cities | North Buena Vista,IA |
Clare,IA | North English,IA |
Clarence,IA | North Liberty,IA |
Clarinda,IA | North Washington,IA |
Clarion,IA | Northboro,IA |
Clarksville,IA | Northwood,IA |
Clear Lake,IA | Norwalk,IA |
Clearfield,IA | Norway,IA |
Cleghorn,IA | Oakdale,IA |
Clemons,IA | Oakland,IA |
Clermont,IA | Oakville,IA |
Climbing Hill,IA | Ocheyedan,IA |
Clinton,IA | Odebolt,IA |
Clio,IA | Oelwein,IA |
Clive,IA | Ogden,IA |
Clutier,IA | Okoboji,IA |
Coggon,IA | Olds,IA |
Coin,IA | Olin,IA |
Colesburg,IA | Ollie,IA |
Colfax,IA | Onawa,IA |
College Springs,IA | Onslow,IA |
Collins,IA | Oran,IA |
Colo,IA | Orange City,IA |
Columbia,IA | Orchard,IA |
Columbus City,IA | Orient,IA |
Columbus Junction,IA | Osage,IA |
Colwell,IA | Osceola,IA |
Conesville,IA | Oskaloosa,IA |
Conrad,IA | Ossian,IA |
Conroy,IA | Otho,IA |
Coon Rapids,IA | Otley,IA |
Cooper,IA | Oto,IA |
Coralville,IA | Ottosen,IA |
Corning,IA | Ottumwa,IA |
Correctionville,IA | Oxford Junction,IA |
Corwith,IA | Oxford,IA |
Corydon,IA | Oyens,IA |
Coulter,IA | Pacific Junction,IA |
Council Bluffs,IA | Packwood,IA |
Crawfordsville,IA | Palmer,IA |
Crescent,IA | Palo,IA |
Cresco,IA | Panama,IA |
Creston,IA | Panora,IA |
Cromwell,IA | Parkersburg,IA |
Crystal Lake,IA | Parnell,IA |
Cumberland,IA | Paton,IA |
Cumming,IA | Patterson,IA |
Curlew,IA | Paullina,IA |
Cushing,IA | Pella,IA |
Cylinder,IA | Peosta,IA |
Dakota City,IA | Percival,IA |
Dallas Center,IA | Perry,IA |
Dallas,IA | Persia,IA |
Dana,IA | Peru,IA |
Danbury,IA | Peterson,IA |
Danville,IA | Pierson,IA |
Davenport,IA | Pilot Grove,IA |
Davis City,IA | Pilot Mound,IA |
Dawson,IA | Pisgah,IA |
Dayton,IA | Plainfield,IA |
De Soto,IA | Plano,IA |
De Witt,IA | Pleasant Valley,IA |
Decatur,IA | Pleasantville,IA |
Decorah,IA | Plover,IA |
Dedham,IA | Plymouth,IA |
Deep River,IA | Pocahontas,IA |
Defiance,IA | Polk City,IA |
Delaware,IA | Pomeroy,IA |
Delhi,IA | Popejoy,IA |
Delmar,IA | Portsmouth,IA |
Deloit,IA | Postville,IA |
Delta,IA | Prairie City,IA |
Denison,IA | Prairieburg,IA |
Denmark,IA | Prescott,IA |
Denver,IA | Preston,IA |
Derby,IA | Primghar,IA |
Des Moines,IA | Princeton,IA |
Dewar,IA | Prole,IA |
Dexter,IA | Promise City,IA |
Diagonal,IA | Protivin,IA |
Dickens,IA | Pulaski,IA |
Dike,IA | Quasqueton,IA |
Dixon,IA | Quimby,IA |
Dolliver,IA | Radcliffe,IA |
Donahue,IA | Rake,IA |
Donnellson,IA | Ralston,IA |
Doon,IA | Randalia,IA |
Dorchester,IA | Randall,IA |
Douds,IA | Randolph,IA |
Dougherty,IA | Raymond,IA |
Dow City,IA | Readlyn,IA |
Dows,IA | Reasnor,IA |
Drakesville,IA | Red Oak,IA |
Dubuque,IA | Redding,IA |
Dumont,IA | Redfield,IA |
Duncombe,IA | Reinbeck,IA |
Dundee,IA | Rembrandt,IA |
Dunkerton,IA | Remsen,IA |
Dunlap,IA | Renwick,IA |
Durango,IA | Rhodes,IA |
Durant,IA | Riceville,IA |
Dyersville,IA | Richland,IA |
Dysart,IA | Ricketts,IA |
Eagle Grove,IA | Ridgeway,IA |
Earlham,IA | Ringsted,IA |
Earling,IA | Rippey,IA |
Earlville,IA | Riverside,IA |
Early,IA | Riverton,IA |
Eddyville,IA | Robins,IA |
Edgewood,IA | Rock Falls,IA |
Elberon,IA | Rock Rapids,IA |
Eldon,IA | Rock Valley,IA |
Eldora,IA | Rockford,IA |
Eldridge,IA | Rockwell City,IA |
Elgin,IA | Rockwell,IA |
Elk Horn,IA | Rodney,IA |
Elkader,IA | Roland,IA |
Elkhart,IA | Rolfe,IA |
Elkport,IA | Rome,IA |
Elliott,IA | Rose Hill,IA |
Ellston,IA | Rowan,IA |
Ellsworth,IA | Rowley,IA |
Elma,IA | Royal,IA |
Elwood,IA | Rudd,IA |
Ely,IA | Runnells,IA |
Emerson,IA | Russell,IA |
Emmetsburg,IA | Ruthven,IA |
Epworth,IA | Rutland,IA |
Essex,IA | Ryan,IA |
Estherville,IA | Sabula,IA |
Evansdale,IA | Sac City,IA |
Everly,IA | Saint Ansgar,IA |
Exira,IA | Saint Anthony,IA |
Exline,IA | Saint Charles,IA |
Fairbank,IA | Saint Donatus,IA |
Fairfax,IA | Saint Lucas,IA |
Fairfield,IA | Saint Marys,IA |
Farley,IA | Saint Olaf,IA |
Farmersburg,IA | Saint Paul,IA |
Farmington,IA | Salem,IA |
Farnhamville,IA | Salix,IA |
Farragut,IA | Sanborn,IA |
Fayette,IA | Scarville,IA |
Fenton,IA | Schaller,IA |
Ferguson,IA | Schleswig,IA |
Fertile,IA | Scranton,IA |
Floris,IA | Searsboro,IA |
Floyd,IA | Selma,IA |
Fonda,IA | Sergeant Bluff,IA |
Fontanelle,IA | Seymour,IA |
Forest City,IA | Shambaugh,IA |
Fort Atkinson,IA | Shannon City,IA |
Fort Dodge,IA | Sharpsburg,IA |
Fort Madison,IA | Sheffield,IA |
Fostoria,IA | Shelby,IA |
Fredericksburg,IA | Sheldahl,IA |
Frederika,IA | Sheldon,IA |
Fremont,IA | Shell Rock,IA |
Fruitland,IA | Shellsburg,IA |
Galt,IA | Shenandoah,IA |
Galva,IA | Sherrill,IA |
Garber,IA | Sibley,IA |
Garden City,IA | Sidney,IA |
Garden Grove,IA | Sigourney,IA |
Garnavillo,IA | Silver City,IA |
Garner,IA | Sioux Center,IA |
Garrison,IA | Sioux City,IA |
Garwin,IA | Sioux Rapids,IA |
Geneva,IA | Slater,IA |
George,IA | Sloan,IA |
Gibson,IA | Smithland,IA |
Gifford,IA | Soldier,IA |
Gilbert,IA | Solon,IA |
Gilbertville,IA | Somers,IA |
Gillett Grove,IA | South Amana,IA |
Gilman,IA | South English,IA |
Gilmore City,IA | Spencer,IA |
Gladbrook,IA | Sperry,IA |
Glenwood,IA | Spillville,IA |
Glidden,IA | Spirit Lake,IA |
Goldfield,IA | Spragueville,IA |
Goodell,IA | Springbrook,IA |
Goose Lake,IA | Springville,IA |
Gowrie,IA | Stacyville,IA |
Graettinger,IA | Stanhope,IA |
Grafton,IA | Stanley,IA |
Grand Junction,IA | Stanton,IA |
Grand Mound,IA | Stanwood,IA |
Grand River,IA | State Center,IA |
Grandview,IA | Steamboat Rock,IA |
Granger,IA | Stockport,IA |
Grant,IA | Stockton,IA |
Granville,IA | Storm Lake,IA |
Gravity,IA | Story City,IA |
Gray,IA | Stout,IA |
Greeley,IA | Stratford,IA |
Greene,IA | Strawberry Point,IA |
Greenfield,IA | Stuart,IA |
Greenville,IA | Sully,IA |
Grimes,IA | Sumner,IA |
Grinnell,IA | Superior,IA |
Griswold,IA | Sutherland,IA |
Grundy Center,IA | Swaledale,IA |
Gruver,IA | Swan,IA |
Guernsey,IA | Swea City,IA |
Guthrie Center,IA | Swedesburg,IA |
Guttenberg,IA | Swisher,IA |
Halbur,IA | Tabor,IA |
Hamburg,IA | Tama,IA |
Hamilton,IA | Teeds Grove,IA |
Hamlin,IA | Templeton,IA |
Hampton,IA | Terril,IA |
Hancock,IA | Thayer,IA |
Hanlontown,IA | Thompson,IA |
Harcourt,IA | Thor,IA |
Hardy,IA | Thornburg,IA |
Harlan,IA | Thornton,IA |
Harper,IA | Thurman,IA |
Harpers Ferry,IA | Tiffin,IA |
Harris,IA | Tingley,IA |
Hartford,IA | Tipton,IA |
Hartley,IA | Titonka,IA |
Hartwick,IA | Toddville,IA |
Harvey,IA | Toeterville,IA |
Hastings,IA | Toledo,IA |
Havelock,IA | Tracy,IA |
Haverhill,IA | Traer,IA |
Hawarden,IA | Treynor,IA |
Hawkeye,IA | Tripoli,IA |
Hayesville,IA | Troy Mills,IA |
Hazleton,IA | Truesdale,IA |
Hedrick,IA | Truro,IA |
Henderson,IA | Turin,IA |
Hiawatha,IA | Udell,IA |
Highlandville,IA | Underwood,IA |
Hills,IA | Union,IA |
Hillsboro,IA | Unionville,IA |
Hinton,IA | University Park,IA |
Holland,IA | Urbana,IA |
Holstein,IA | Urbandale,IA |
Holy Cross,IA | Ute,IA |
Homestead,IA | Vail,IA |
Honey Creek,IA | Van Horne,IA |
Hopkinton,IA | Van Meter,IA |
Hornick,IA | Van Wert,IA |
Hospers,IA | Varina,IA |
Houghton,IA | Ventura,IA |
Hubbard,IA | Victor,IA |
Hudson,IA | Villisca,IA |
Hull,IA | Vincent,IA |
Humboldt,IA | Vining,IA |
Humeston,IA | Vinton,IA |
Huxley,IA | Viola,IA |
Ida Grove,IA | Volga,IA |
Imogene,IA | Wadena,IA |
Independence,IA | Walcott,IA |
Indianola,IA | Walford,IA |
Inwood,IA | Walker,IA |
Ionia,IA | Wall Lake,IA |
Iowa City,IA | Wallingford,IA |
Iowa Falls,IA | Walnut,IA |
Ira,IA | Wapello,IA |
Ireton,IA | Washington,IA |
Irwin,IA | Washta,IA |
Jamaica,IA | Waterloo,IA |
Janesville,IA | Waterville,IA |
Jefferson,IA | Watkins,IA |
Jesup,IA | Waucoma,IA |
Jewell,IA | Waukee,IA |
Johnston,IA | Waukon,IA |
Joice,IA | Waverly,IA |
Jolley,IA | Wayland,IA |
Kalona,IA | Webb,IA |
Kamrar,IA | Webster City,IA |
Kanawha,IA | Webster,IA |
Kellerton,IA | Weldon,IA |
Kelley,IA | Wellman,IA |
Kellogg,IA | Wellsburg,IA |
Kensett,IA | Welton,IA |
Keokuk,IA | Wesley,IA |
Keosauqua,IA | West Bend,IA |
Keota,IA | West Branch,IA |
Kesley,IA | West Burlington,IA |
Keswick,IA | West Chester,IA |
Keystone,IA | West Des Moines,IA |
Killduff,IA | West Grove,IA |
Kimballton,IA | West Liberty,IA |
Kingsley,IA | West Point,IA |
Kirkman,IA | West Union,IA |
Kirkville,IA | Westfield,IA |
Kiron,IA | Westgate,IA |
Klemme,IA | Westphalia,IA |
Knierim,IA | Westside,IA |
Knoxville,IA | Wever,IA |
La Motte,IA | What Cheer,IA |
La Porte City,IA | Wheatland,IA |
Lacona,IA | Whiting,IA |
Ladora,IA | Whittemore,IA |
Lake City,IA | Whitten,IA |
Lake Mills,IA | Williams,IA |
Lake Park,IA | Williamsburg,IA |
Lake View,IA | Williamson,IA |
Lakota,IA | Wilton,IA |
Lamoni,IA | Winfield,IA |
Lamont,IA | Winterset,IA |
Lanesboro,IA | Winthrop,IA |
Langworthy,IA | Wiota,IA |
Lansing,IA | Woden,IA |
Larchwood,IA | Woodbine,IA |
Larrabee,IA | Woodburn,IA |
Latimer,IA | Woodward,IA |
Laurel,IA | Woolstock,IA |
Laurens,IA | Worthington,IA |
Lawler,IA | Wyoming,IA |
Lawton,IA | Yale,IA |
Le Claire,IA | Yarmouth,IA |
Le Grand,IA | Yorktown,IA |
Le Mars,IA | Zearing,IA |
Ledyard,IA | Zwingle,IA |
Adair County | Jefferson County |
Adams County | Johnson County |
Allamakee County | Jones County |
Appanoose County | Keokuk County |
Audubon County | Kossuth County |
Benton County | Lee County |
Black Hawk County | Linn County |
Boone County | Louisa County |
Bremer County | Lucas County |
Buchanan County | Lyon County |
Buena Vista County | Madison County |
Butler County | Mahaska County |
Calhoun County | Marion County |
Carroll County | Marshall County |
Cass County | Mills County |
Cedar County | Mitchell County |
Cerro Gordo County | Monona County |
Cherokee County | Monroe County |
Chickasaw County | Montgomery County |
Clarke County | Muscatine County |
Clay County | Obrien County |
Clayton County | Osceola County |
Clinton County | Page County |
Crawford County | Palo Alto County |
Dallas County | Plymouth County |
Davis County | Pocahontas County |
Decatur County | Polk County |
Delaware County | Pottawattamie County |
Des Moines County | Poweshiek County |
Dickinson County | Ringgold County |
Dubuque County | Sac County |
Emmet County | Scott County |
Fayette County | Shelby County |
Floyd County | Sioux County |
Franklin County | Story County |
Fremont County | Tama County |
Greene County | Taylor County |
Grundy County | Union County |
Guthrie County | Van Buren County |
Hamilton County | Wapello County |
Hancock County | Warren County |
Hardin County | Washington County |
Harrison County | Wayne County |
Henry County | Webster County |
Howard County | Winnebago County |
Humboldt County | Winneshiek County |
Ida County | Woodbury County |
Iowa County | Worth County |
Jackson County | Wright County |
Jasper County |
50001 50558 51638
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50009 50566 51649
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50011 50568 51651
50012 50569 51652
50013 50570 51653
50014 50571 51654
50015 50573 51656
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50046 50601 52049
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50055 50609 52060
50056 50611 52064
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50060 50616 52069
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50064 50622 52073
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50066 50624 52075
50067 50625 52076
50068 50626 52077
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50070 50628 52079
50071 50629 52099
50072 50630 52101
50073 50631 52131
50074 50632 52132
50075 50633 52133
50076 50634 52134
50078 50635 52135
50101 50636 52136
50102 50638 52140
50103 50641 52141
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50125 50662 52166
50126 50664 52168
50127 50665 52169
50128 50666 52170
50129 50667 52171
50130 50668 52172
50131 50669 52175
50132 50670 52201
50133 50671 52202
50134 50672 52203
50135 50673 52204
50136 50674 52205
50137 50675 52206
50138 50676 52207
50139 50677 52208
50140 50680 52209
50141 50681 52210
50142 50682 52211
50143 50701 52212
50144 50702 52213
50145 50703 52214
50146 50704 52215
50147 50706 52216
50148 50707 52217
50149 50799 52218
50150 50801 52219
50151 50830 52220
50152 50831 52221
50153 50833 52222
50154 50835 52223
50155 50836 52224
50156 50837 52225
50157 50839 52226
50158 50840 52227
50160 50841 52228
50161 50842 52229
50162 50843 52231
50163 50845 52232
50164 50846 52233
50165 50847 52235
50166 50848 52236
50167 50849 52237
50168 50851 52240
50169 50853 52241
50170 50854 52242
50171 50857 52243
50173 50858 52244
50174 50859 52245
50177 50860 52246
50197 50861 52247
50198 50862 52248
50201 50863 52249
50206 50864 52251
50207 50936 52252
50208 50940 52253
50210 50947 52254
50211 50950 52255
50212 50980 52257
50213 50981 52301
50214 51001 52302
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50237 51023 52325
50238 51024 52326
50239 51025 52327
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