Indiana Medical Alert Systems, Alarms, Devices and Equipment
Don’t Have a Phone Line/Home Landline? Click Here for Options.
Linear PERS
Our most basic medical alert system; includes both a bracelet and necklace attachment.
Linear PERS Product Page
NextAlert II
A mobile medical alert; speak directly to an operator through the wearable device.
NextAlert Product Page

Speak directly through both the bracelet and necklace 24/7 to an EMT certified operator.
LifeSentry Product Page
Indiana Medical Alert and Medical Alarm by Prime
Our service includes the entire state of Indiana. Our biggest cities we work in are Fort Wayne, Hammond, Evansville, South Bend and Indianapolis and work with every other city in between. According to the CDC, the chances of falling and of being seriously injured in a fall increase with age. This means that is especially important for elderly individuals to have a medical alert to keep them safe. If the person is at home by themselves when an accident happens it could hours or even days before they receive help. It is especially important to get help within the first hour. With Prime Medical Alert, an operator can be reached to dispatch immediately.
Advance, IN | Linton, IN |
Akron, IN | Little York, IN |
Alamo, IN | Lizton, IN |
Albany, IN | Logansport, IN |
Albion, IN | Loogootee, IN |
Alexandria, IN | Losantville, IN |
Ambia, IN | Lowell, IN |
Amboy, IN | Lucerne, IN |
Amo, IN | Lynn, IN |
Anderson, IN | Lynnville, IN |
Andrews, IN | Lyons, IN |
Angola, IN | Mackey, IN |
Arcadia, IN | Macy, IN |
Arcola, IN | Madison, IN |
Argos, IN | Manilla, IN |
Arlington, IN | Marengo, IN |
Ashley, IN | Mariah Hill, IN |
Athens, IN | Marion, IN |
Atlanta, IN | Markle, IN |
Attica, IN | Markleville, IN |
Atwood, IN | Marshall, IN |
Auburn, IN | Martinsville, IN |
Aurora, IN | Marysville, IN |
Austin, IN | Matthews, IN |
Avilla, IN | Mauckport, IN |
Avoca, IN | Maxwell, IN |
Avon, IN | Mays, IN |
Bainbridge, IN | Mc Cordsville, IN |
Bargersville, IN | Mecca, IN |
Batesville, IN | Medaryville, IN |
Bath, IN | Medora, IN |
Battle Ground, IN | Mellott, IN |
Bedford, IN | Memphis, IN |
Beech Grove, IN | Mentone, IN |
Bellmore, IN | Merom, IN |
Bennington, IN | Merrillville, IN |
Bentonville, IN | Metamora, IN |
Berne, IN | Mexico, IN |
Bethlehem, IN | Miami, IN |
Beverly Shores, IN | Michigan City, IN |
Bicknell, IN | Michigantown, IN |
Bippus, IN | Middlebury, IN |
Birdseye, IN | Middletown, IN |
Blanford, IN | Midland, IN |
Bloomfield, IN | Milan, IN |
Bloomingdale, IN | Milford, IN |
Bloomington, IN | Mill Creek, IN |
Bluffton, IN | Millersburg, IN |
Boggstown, IN | Millhousen, IN |
Boone Grove, IN | Milltown, IN |
Boonville, IN | Milroy, IN |
Borden, IN | Milton, IN |
Boston, IN | Mishawaka, IN |
Boswell, IN | Mitchell, IN |
Bourbon, IN | Modoc, IN |
Bowling Green, IN | Mongo, IN |
Bradford, IN | Monon, IN |
Branchville, IN | Monroe, IN |
Brazil, IN | Monroe City, IN |
Bremen, IN | Monroeville, IN |
Bridgeton, IN | Monrovia, IN |
Brimfield, IN | Monterey, IN |
Bringhurst, IN | Montezuma, IN |
Bristol, IN | Montgomery, IN |
Bristow, IN | Monticello, IN |
Brook, IN | Montmorenci, IN |
Brooklyn, IN | Montpelier, IN |
Brookston, IN | Mooreland, IN |
Brookville, IN | Moores Hill, IN |
Brownsburg, IN | Mooresville, IN |
Brownstown, IN | Morgantown, IN |
Brownsville, IN | Morocco, IN |
Bruceville, IN | Morris, IN |
Bryant, IN | Morristown, IN |
Buck Creek, IN | Mount Ayr, IN |
Buckskin, IN | Mount Saint Francis, IN |
Buffalo, IN | Mount Summit, IN |
Bunker Hill, IN | Mount Vernon, IN |
Burket, IN | Mulberry, IN |
Burlington, IN | Muncie, IN |
Burnettsville, IN | Munster, IN |
Burrows, IN | Nabb, IN |
Butler, IN | Napoleon, IN |
Butlerville, IN | Nappanee, IN |
Cambridge City, IN | Nashville, IN |
Camby, IN | Needham, IN |
Camden, IN | New Albany, IN |
Campbellsburg, IN | New Carlisle, IN |
Canaan, IN | New Castle, IN |
Cannelburg, IN | New Goshen, IN |
Cannelton, IN | New Harmony, IN |
Carbon, IN | New Haven, IN |
Carlisle, IN | New Lebanon, IN |
Carmel, IN | New Lisbon, IN |
Cartersburg, IN | New Market, IN |
Carthage, IN | New Middletown, IN |
Cayuga, IN | New Palestine, IN |
Cedar Grove, IN | New Paris, IN |
Cedar Lake, IN | New Point, IN |
Celestine, IN | New Richmond, IN |
Centerpoint, IN | New Ross, IN |
Centerville, IN | New Salisbury, IN |
Central, IN | New Trenton, IN |
Chalmers, IN | New Washington, IN |
Chandler, IN | New Waverly, IN |
Charlestown, IN | Newberry, IN |
Charlottesville, IN | Newburgh, IN |
Chesterton, IN | Newport, IN |
Chrisney, IN | Newtown, IN |
Churubusco, IN | Nineveh, IN |
Cicero, IN | Noblesville, IN |
Clarks Hill, IN | Norman, IN |
Clarksburg, IN | North Judson, IN |
Clarksville, IN | North Liberty, IN |
Clay City, IN | North Manchester, IN |
Claypool, IN | North Salem, IN |
Clayton, IN | North Vernon, IN |
Clear Creek, IN | North Webster, IN |
Clifford, IN | Notre Dame, IN |
Clinton, IN | Oakford, IN |
Cloverdale, IN | Oakland City, IN |
Coal City, IN | Oaktown, IN |
Coalmont, IN | Oakville, IN |
Coatesville, IN | Odon, IN |
Colfax, IN | Oldenburg, IN |
Columbia City, IN | Onward, IN |
Columbus, IN | Oolitic, IN |
Commiskey, IN | Ora, IN |
Connersville, IN | Orestes, IN |
Converse, IN | Orland, IN |
Cortland, IN | Orleans, IN |
Corunna, IN | Osceola, IN |
Cory, IN | Osgood, IN |
Corydon, IN | Ossian, IN |
Covington, IN | Otisco, IN |
Craigville, IN | Otterbein, IN |
Crandall, IN | Otwell, IN |
Crane, IN | Owensburg, IN |
Crawfordsville, IN | Owensville, IN |
Cromwell, IN | Oxford, IN |
Cross Plains, IN | Palmyra, IN |
Crothersville, IN | Paoli, IN |
Crown Point, IN | Paragon, IN |
Culver, IN | Paris Crossing, IN |
Cutler, IN | Parker City, IN |
Cynthiana, IN | Patoka, IN |
Dale, IN | Patricksburg, IN |
Daleville, IN | Patriot, IN |
Dana, IN | Paxton, IN |
Danville, IN | Pekin, IN |
Darlington, IN | Pendleton, IN |
Dayton, IN | Pennville, IN |
Decatur, IN | Perrysville, IN |
Decker, IN | Pershing, IN |
Deedsville, IN | Peru, IN |
Delong, IN | Petersburg, IN |
Delphi, IN | Petroleum, IN |
Demotte, IN | Pierceton, IN |
Denver, IN | Pierceville, IN |
Depauw, IN | Pimento, IN |
Deputy, IN | Pine Village, IN |
Derby, IN | Pittsboro, IN |
Dillsboro, IN | Plainfield, IN |
Donaldson, IN | Plainville, IN |
Dublin, IN | Pleasant Lake, IN |
Dubois, IN | Pleasant Mills, IN |
Dugger, IN | Plymouth, IN |
Dunkirk, IN | Poland, IN |
Dunreith, IN | Poneto, IN |
Dupont, IN | Portage, IN |
Dyer, IN | Portland, IN |
Earl Park, IN | Poseyville, IN |
East Chicago, IN | Prairie Creek, IN |
East Enterprise, IN | Prairieton, IN |
Eaton, IN | Preble, IN |
Eckerty, IN | Princeton, IN |
Economy, IN | Putnamville, IN |
Edinburgh, IN | Quincy, IN |
Edwardsport, IN | Ragsdale, IN |
Elberfeld, IN | Ramsey, IN |
Elizabeth, IN | Redkey, IN |
Elizabethtown, IN | Reelsville, IN |
Elkhart, IN | Remington, IN |
Ellettsville, IN | Rensselaer, IN |
Elnora, IN | Reynolds, IN |
Elwood, IN | Richland, IN |
Eminence, IN | Richmond, IN |
English, IN | Ridgeville, IN |
Etna Green, IN | Riley, IN |
Evanston, IN | Rising Sun, IN |
Evansville, IN | Roachdale, IN |
Fair Oaks, IN | Roann, IN |
Fairbanks, IN | Roanoke, IN |
Fairland, IN | Rochester, IN |
Fairmount, IN | Rockfield, IN |
Falmouth, IN | Rockport, IN |
Farmersburg, IN | Rockville, IN |
Farmland, IN | Rolling Prairie, IN |
Ferdinand, IN | Rome, IN |
Fillmore, IN | Rome City, IN |
Finly, IN | Romney, IN |
Fishers, IN | Rosedale, IN |
Flat Rock, IN | Roselawn, IN |
Flora, IN | Rossville, IN |
Florence, IN | Royal Center, IN |
Floyds Knobs, IN | Rushville, IN |
Folsomville, IN | Russellville, IN |
Fontanet, IN | Russiaville, IN |
Forest, IN | Saint Anthony, IN |
Fort Branch, IN | Saint Bernice, IN |
Fort Ritner, IN | Saint Croix, IN |
Fort Wayne, IN | Saint Joe, IN |
Fortville, IN | Saint John, IN |
Fountain City, IN | Saint Mary of the Woods, IN |
Fountaintown, IN | Saint Meinrad, IN |
Fowler, IN | Saint Paul, IN |
Fowlerton, IN | Salamonia, IN |
Francesville, IN | Salem, IN |
Francisco, IN | San Pierre, IN |
Frankfort, IN | Sandborn, IN |
Franklin, IN | Santa Claus, IN |
Frankton, IN | Saratoga, IN |
Fredericksburg, IN | Schererville, IN |
Freedom, IN | Schneider, IN |
Freelandville, IN | Schnellville, IN |
Freetown, IN | Scipio, IN |
Fremont, IN | Scotland, IN |
French Lick, IN | Scottsburg, IN |
Friendship, IN | Sedalia, IN |
Fulda, IN | Seelyville, IN |
Fulton, IN | Sellersburg, IN |
Galveston, IN | Selma, IN |
Garrett, IN | Servia, IN |
Gary, IN | Seymour, IN |
Gas City, IN | Sharpsville, IN |
Gaston, IN | Shelburn, IN |
Geneva, IN | Shelby, IN |
Gentryville, IN | Shelbyville, IN |
Georgetown, IN | Shepardsville, IN |
Glenwood, IN | Sheridan, IN |
Goldsmith, IN | Shipshewana, IN |
Goodland, IN | Shirley, IN |
Goshen, IN | Shoals, IN |
Gosport, IN | Sidney, IN |
Grabill, IN | Silver Lake, IN |
Grammer, IN | Smithville, IN |
Grandview, IN | Solsberry, IN |
Granger, IN | Somerset, IN |
Grantsburg, IN | Somerville, IN |
Grass Creek, IN | South Bend, IN |
Graysville, IN | South Milford, IN |
Greencastle, IN | South Whitley, IN |
Greenfield, IN | Spencer, IN |
Greens Fork, IN | Spencerville, IN |
Greensboro, IN | Spiceland, IN |
Greensburg, IN | Springport, IN |
Greentown, IN | Springville, IN |
Greenville, IN | Spurgeon, IN |
Greenwood, IN | Stanford, IN |
Griffin, IN | Star City, IN |
Griffith, IN | State Line, IN |
Grissom ARB, IN | Staunton, IN |
Grovertown, IN | Stendal, IN |
Guilford, IN | Stilesville, IN |
Gwynneville, IN | Stinesville, IN |
Hagerstown, IN | Stockwell, IN |
Hamilton, IN | Straughn, IN |
Hamlet, IN | Stroh, IN |
Hammond, IN | Sullivan, IN |
Hanna, IN | Sulphur, IN |
Hanover, IN | Sulphur Springs, IN |
Hardinsburg, IN | Sumava Resorts, IN |
Harlan, IN | Summitville, IN |
Harmony, IN | Sunman, IN |
Harrodsburg, IN | Swayzee, IN |
Hartford City, IN | Sweetser, IN |
Hartsville, IN | Switz City, IN |
Hatfield, IN | Syracuse, IN |
Haubstadt, IN | Talbot, IN |
Hayden, IN | Taswell, IN |
Hazleton, IN | Taylorsville, IN |
Hebron, IN | Tefft, IN |
Helmsburg, IN | Tell City, IN |
Heltonville, IN | Templeton, IN |
Hemlock, IN | Tennyson, IN |
Henryville, IN | Terre Haute, IN |
Highland, IN | Thayer, IN |
Hillsboro, IN | Thorntown, IN |
Hillsdale, IN | Tippecanoe, IN |
Hoagland, IN | Tipton, IN |
Hobart, IN | Topeka, IN |
Hobbs, IN | Trafalgar, IN |
Holland, IN | Troy, IN |
Holton, IN | Tunnelton, IN |
Homer, IN | Twelve Mile, IN |
Hope, IN | Tyner, IN |
Howe, IN | Underwood, IN |
Hudson, IN | Union City, IN |
Huntertown, IN | Union Mills, IN |
Huntingburg, IN | Uniondale, IN |
Huntington, IN | Unionville, IN |
Huron, IN | Universal, IN |
Hymera, IN | Upland, IN |
Idaville, IN | Urbana, IN |
Indianapolis, IN | Vallonia, IN |
Ingalls, IN | Valparaiso, IN |
Inglefield, IN | Van Buren, IN |
Ireland, IN | Veedersburg, IN |
Jamestown, IN | Velpen, IN |
Jasonville, IN | Vernon, IN |
Jasper, IN | Versailles, IN |
Jeffersonville, IN | Vevay, IN |
Jonesboro, IN | Vincennes, IN |
Jonesville, IN | Wabash, IN |
Judson, IN | Wadesville, IN |
Kempton, IN | Wakarusa, IN |
Kendallville, IN | Waldron, IN |
Kennard, IN | Walkerton, IN |
Kentland, IN | Wallace, IN |
Kewanna, IN | Walton, IN |
Keystone, IN | Wanatah, IN |
Kimmell, IN | Warren, IN |
Kingman, IN | Warsaw, IN |
Kingsbury, IN | Washington, IN |
Kingsford Heights, IN | Waterloo, IN |
Kirklin, IN | Waveland, IN |
Knightstown, IN | Wawaka, IN |
Knightsville, IN | Waynetown, IN |
Knox, IN | Webster, IN |
Kokomo, IN | West Baden Springs, IN |
Koleen, IN | West College Corner, IN |
Kouts, IN | West Harrison, IN |
Kurtz, IN | West Lafayette, IN |
La Crosse, IN | West Lebanon, IN |
La Fontaine, IN | West Middleton, IN |
La Porte, IN | West Newton, IN |
Laconia, IN | West Terre Haute, IN |
Ladoga, IN | Westfield, IN |
Lafayette, IN | Westphalia, IN |
Lagrange, IN | Westpoint, IN |
Lagro, IN | Westport, IN |
Lake Cicott, IN | Westville, IN |
Lake Station, IN | Wheatfield, IN |
Lake Village, IN | Wheatland, IN |
Laketon, IN | Wheeler, IN |
Adams County | Lawrence County |
Allen County | Madison County |
Bartholomew County | Marion County |
Benton County | Marshall County |
Blackford County | Martin County |
Boone County | Miami County |
Brown County | Monroe County |
Carroll County | Montgomery County |
Cass County | Morgan County |
Clark County | Newton County |
Clay County | Noble County |
Clinton County | Ohio County |
Crawford County | Orange County |
Daviess County | Owen County |
De Kalb County | Parke County |
Dearborn County | Perry County |
Decatur County | Pike County |
Delaware County | Porter County |
Dubois County | Posey County |
Elkhart County | Pulaski County |
Fayette County | Putnam County |
Floyd County | Randolph County |
Fountain County | Ripley County |
Franklin County | Rush County |
Fulton County | Scott County |
Gibson County | Shelby County |
Grant County | Spencer County |
Greene County | St Joseph County |
Hamilton County | Starke County |
Hancock County | Steuben County |
Harrison County | Sullivan County |
Hendricks County | Switzerland County |
Henry County | Tippecanoe County |
Howard County | Tipton County |
Huntington County | Union County |
Jackson County | Vanderburgh County |
Jasper County | Vermillion County |
Jay County | Vigo County |
Jefferson County | Wabash County |
Jennings County | Warren County |
Johnson County | Warrick County |
Knox County | Washington County |
Kosciusko County | Wayne County |
La Porte County | Wells County |
Lagrange County | White County |
Lake County | Whitley County |
46001 46741 47371
46011 46742 47373
46012 46743 47374
46013 46745 47375
46014 46746 47380
46015 46747 47381
46016 46748 47382
46017 46750 47383
46018 46755 47384
46030 46759 47385
46031 46760 47386
46032 46761 47387
46033 46763 47388
46034 46764 47390
46035 46765 47392
46036 46766 47393
46038 46767 47394
46039 46769 47396
46040 46770 47401
46041 46771 47402
46044 46772 47403
46045 46773 47404
46046 46774 47405
46047 46776 47406
46048 46777 47407
46049 46778 47408
46050 46779 47420
46051 46780 47421
46052 46781 47424
46055 46782 47426
46056 46783 47427
46057 46784 47429
46058 46785 47430
46060 46786 47431
46061 46787 47432
46063 46788 47433
46064 46789 47434
46065 46791 47435
46067 46792 47436
46068 46793 47437
46069 46794 47438
46070 46795 47439
46071 46796 47441
46072 46797 47443
46074 46798 47445
46075 46799 47446
46076 46801 47448
46077 46802 47449
46082 46803 47451
46102 46804 47452
46103 46805 47453
46104 46806 47454
46105 46807 47455
46106 46808 47456
46107 46809 47457
46110 46814 47458
46111 46815 47459
46112 46816 47460
46113 46818 47462
46114 46819 47463
46115 46825 47464
46117 46835 47465
46118 46845 47467
46120 46850 47468
46121 46851 47469
46122 46852 47470
46123 46853 47471
46124 46854 47490
46125 46855 47501
46126 46856 47512
46127 46857 47513
46128 46858 47514
46129 46859 47515
46130 46860 47516
46131 46861 47519
46133 46862 47520
46135 46863 47521
46140 46864 47522
46142 46865 47523
46143 46866 47524
46144 46867 47525
46146 46868 47527
46147 46869 47528
46148 46885 47529
46149 46895 47531
46150 46896 47532
46151 46897 47535
46154 46898 47536
46155 46899 47537
46156 46901 47541
46157 46902 47542
46158 46903 47545
46160 46904 47546
46161 46910 47547
46162 46911 47549
46163 46912 47550
46164 46913 47551
46165 46914 47552
46166 46915 47553
46167 46916 47556
46168 46917 47557
46170 46919 47558
46171 46920 47561
46172 46921 47562
46173 46922 47564
46175 46923 47567
46176 46926 47568
46180 46928 47573
46181 46929 47574
46182 46930 47575
46183 46931 47576
46184 46932 47577
46186 46933 47578
46201 46935 47579
46202 46936 47580
46203 46937 47581
46204 46938 47584
46205 46939 47585
46206 46940 47586
46207 46941 47588
46208 46942 47590
46209 46943 47591
46211 46945 47596
46214 46946 47597
46216 46947 47598
46217 46950 47601
46218 46951 47610
46219 46952 47611
46220 46953 47612
46221 46957 47613
46222 46958 47614
46223 46959 47615
46224 46960 47616
46225 46961 47617
46226 46962 47618
46227 46965 47619
46228 46967 47620
46229 46968 47629
46230 46970 47630
46231 46971 47631
46234 46974 47633
46235 46975 47634
46236 46977 47635
46237 46978 47637
46239 46979 47638
46240 46980 47639
46241 46982 47640
46242 46984 47647
46244 46985 47648
46247 46986 47649
46249 46987 47654
46250 46988 47660
46251 46989 47665
46253 46990 47666
46254 46991 47670
46255 46992 47683
46256 46994 47701
46259 46995 47702
46260 46996 47703
46266 46998 47704
46268 47001 47705
46274 47003 47706
46275 47006 47708
46277 47010 47710
46278 47011 47711
46280 47012 47712
46282 47016 47713
46283 47017 47714
46285 47018 47715
46290 47019 47716
46291 47020 47719
46295 47021 47720
46298 47022 47721
46301 47023 47722
46302 47024 47724
46303 47025 47725
46304 47030 47727
46307 47031 47728
46308 47032 47730
46310 47033 47731
46311 47034 47732
46312 47035 47733
46319 47036 47734
46320 47037 47735
46321 47038 47736
46322 47039 47737
46323 47040 47739
46324 47041 47740
46325 47042 47741
46327 47043 47744
46340 47060 47747
46341 47102 47750
46342 47104 47801
46345 47106 47802
46346 47107 47803
46347 47108 47804
46348 47110 47805
46349 47111 47807
46350 47112 47808
46352 47114 47809
46355 47115 47811
46356 47116 47812
46360 47117 47813
46361 47118 47814
46365 47119 47830
46366 47120 47831
46368 47122 47832
46371 47123 47833
46372 47124 47834
46373 47125 47836
46374 47126 47837
46375 47129 47838
46376 47130 47840
46377 47131 47841
46379 47132 47842
46380 47133 47845
46381 47134 47846
46382 47135 47847
46383 47136 47848
46384 47137 47849
46385 47138 47850
46390 47139 47851
46391 47140 47852
46392 47141 47853
46393 47142 47854
46394 47143 47855
46401 47144 47856
46402 47145 47857
46403 47146 47858
46404 47147 47859
46405 47150 47860
46406 47151 47861
46407 47160 47862
46408 47161 47863
46409 47162 47864
46410 47163 47865
46411 47164 47866
46501 47165 47868
46502 47166 47869
46504 47167 47870
46506 47170 47871
46507 47172 47872
46508 47174 47874
46510 47175 47875
46511 47177 47876
46513 47190 47878
46514 47199 47879
46515 47201 47880
46516 47202 47881
46517 47203 47882
46524 47220 47884
46526 47223 47885
46527 47224 47901
46528 47225 47902
46530 47226 47903
46531 47227 47904
46532 47228 47905
46534 47229 47906
46536 47230 47907
46537 47231 47909
46538 47232 47916
46539 47234 47917
46540 47235 47918
46542 47236 47920
46543 47240 47921
46544 47243 47922
46545 47244 47923
46546 47245 47924
46550 47246 47925
46552 47247 47926
46553 47249 47928
46554 47250 47929
46555 47260 47930
46556 47261 47932
46561 47262 47933
46562 47263 47934
46563 47264 47935
46565 47265 47936
46566 47270 47937
46567 47272 47938
46570 47273 47939
46571 47274 47940
46572 47280 47941
46573 47281 47942
46574 47282 47943
46580 47283 47944
46581 47302 47946
46582 47303 47948
46590 47304 47949
46595 47305 47950
46601 47306 47951
46604 47307 47952
46612 47308 47954
46613 47320 47955
46614 47322 47957
46615 47324 47958
46616 47325 47959
46617 47326 47960
46619 47327 47962
46620 47330 47963
46624 47331 47964
46626 47334 47965
46628 47335 47966
46629 47336 47967
46634 47337 47968
46635 47338 47969
46637 47339 47970
46660 47340 47971
46680 47341 47974
46699 47342 47975
46701 47344 47976
46702 47345 47977
46703 47346 47978
46704 47348 47980
46705 47351 47981
46706 47352 47982
46710 47353 47983
46711 47354 47984
46713 47355 47986
46714 47356 47987
46720 47357 47988
46721 47358 47989
46723 47359 47990
46725 47360 47991
46730 47361 47992
46731 47362 47993
46732 47366 47994
46733 47367 47995
46737 47368 47996
46738 47369 47997
46740 47370