Fall Detection For Seniors
Fall detection for seniors has been offered for quite some time. However, there are a lot of questions on the reliability of the fall detection devices. While we do offer the fall detection technology, there are some issues that exist and will continue to exist for quite a while until the state of technology and the algorithms behind the technology improve.
The difference between a fall detection medical alert system and a standard system is that with fall detection, the user does not have to press the button to summon help. It automatically triggers the sensor if the user has a fall and is unable to get up. In theory, this technology sounds great. However, after selling the technology for several years, there are many shortcomings. The major shortcoming is the ability of the device to actually detect a fall. Additionally, there are many false alarms which become discouraging for the user.
False alarms cause many people to completely take off the fall detection medical alarm, which essentially renders it useless. The last thing we want someone to do is take off their necklace or bracelet and not have access to help. There are very few users in my opinion that require a fall detection device. The only users that absolutely require a fall detection medical alert system are the users that are passing out and/or falling and knocking themselves out. With the users that are falling and knocking themselves out, especially if this is happening regularly, they may be beyond the ability to live independently. If there is very infrequent fainting, vertigo, etc..then the fall detection device might be a perfect fit.
The majority of our clients (vast majority of around 99%) use the regular medical alert systems with ease and stay independent for years. When an accident does happen or if they feel lightheaded, etc..they can simply press the button to summon help. The most popular device we offer is the LifeSentry. The reason it is so popular is because the user can actually speak through the necklace and bracelet rather than through the main unit. Give us a call or request information and we would be more than happy to assess your situation to see if a fall detection medical alert system is right for you.

Linear PERS
Our most basic medical alert system; includes both a bracelet and necklace attachment.
Linear PERS Product Page

A mobile medical alert; speak directly to an operator through the wearable device.
eResponder Product Page

Speak directly through both the bracelet and necklace 24/7 to an EMT certified operator.
LifeSentry Product Page